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Everything posted by dBel84

  1. All I know is that it was put up 25 years ago and still looks pristine. I think from what I am hearing is that an all out assault is needed. Enzyme, perforation some soak time and then a good steam. I will take pics and let you all have a good laugh..dB
  2. Thanks , I will investigate local steamer rentals. I don't think I have ever seen one of these but not sure I have looked for one either - wall paper perforator ) The house unfortunately has its fair share of wallpaper - entrance & hallway, bathrooms, one bedroom, dining room. I know I will be cursing but beer and pizza should ease the pain..dB
  3. Thanks, we will be pulling up the flooring too and thus the desire to do this properly and as efficiently as possible. I am anticipating mess, hoping to bypass frustration.
  4. We knew what we were buying and we bought it anyway, now the wallpaper has to come down - 70% 0f all walls are covered in some form and I want to do this once only if possible. I have seen scrapers/scourers, steamers etc If you have useful advise , glad to hear it. For those with just advise, it always cheers me up so post away. and I have considered getting a contractor in but that just seems wimpy. ..dB
  5. It has to do with how long Dell will support the individual parts. Unfortunately I cannot get it regardless of support or else I will not be allowed to plug it into the network and .... well you get the idea. It has taken me the better part of 6 months to get the project this far so I am just rolling with whatever it takes to make it work at this point..dB
  6. It looks like I should be good - the video card has 2 DVI outputs. Should I be surprised that our IT group will not support alienware? No bling for me then - as long as it does what I want it to do, I will be more than happy. ..dB
  7. I found out yesterday that the monitors are coming with a video card. After much reconsideration, I figured it best to drop the laptop idea and stick with a desktop . At Nate's suggestion asked for a quote on the mini Alienware unit..dB It will be driving 2 monitors .
  8. I had not considered this. Will investigate further ..dB
  9. LOL at alienware - I looked at them and went WTF! , my first exposure to the bling . I have realised that looking for a DVI out is not good - I found a few discontinued laptops with them but where is the point in that, so an adapter will work just perfectly.
  10. no , it will mostly be stationary. The group I work for has a contract with Dell , so I was looking at their mobile workstations. I also found this adapter at Dell , USB to DVI
  11. Thanks, I have seen the display port on a few of the machines I was looking at. I guess if I adapt from one of these outputs to DVI it will retain the resolution.
  12. I am so out of touch with technology that it is a little disappointing, I need a little help from you tech savvy folk. I need to set up a workstation to view DICOM images from a database and would like a laptop to drive this thing. I have a pair of EIZO monitors which use a DVI input, I have a decent size storage bay ( up to 9TB ) which negates the need for a large drive but I would prefer 7500rpm +- 200GB onboard. It seems to make sense to go with a quadcore processor and I need to keep the budget at $2500 I have found a few laptops which meet most of the requirements but none of the graphics cards seem to support DVI. Is this technology being phased out ? I know I can find a VGA to DVI converter for little money but will this still allow for the high contrast ratio that the monochrome monitor is capable of? Any ideas welcomed, including where to find the best pizza in Chicago. ..dB
  13. you could try looking at the RC antenna connectors at your hobby shop something like this - they are designed for coax but I am sure they could be made to work. A cheap and simple option is to use a tight fitting 2.5mm "trs" plug/jack ( quite a few folk modded their grado sr60's this way , back in the day when grado was still cool ) ..dB
  14. KG, any idea if headwize will ever be active again? thx..dB
  15. AWD turbo = my next car [ATTACH=CONFIG]3851[/ATTACH] ..dB ps - kids don't need legroom
  16. seriously jealous. barbecued with apricot chutney was one of my favourites. Bought my kids ice hockey kit today - they (kids) are more expensive than any hobby could hope to be ..dB
  17. Wishing you more of the same. All the best..dB
  18. I love my transdac if that makes you feel less alone ;-) ..dB
  19. many happy returns ..dB
  20. I have been mulling this exact question over - for the most part, I will be in the city with decent roads but twice a week I have to go 40-50 miles to an outreach facility and the idea of snow driving has not been inspiring thoughts of happiness. At least I know that I have the ability to drive slicks in 4 inches of snow - foolish lesson learned from believing January car salesman that tires were 4 season and perfectly capable for connecticut winter driving and me, non-the-wiser, having just landed from a tropical climate at the time. Just putting on good all season tires made a huge improvement so if winter tires make handling even better then this is worth serious consideration..dB
  21. Not sure what to call these - essentially my wharfedale isodynamics in a new TP'esque home. Still work to be done, only 2 layers of wax on the wood so far and need to replace the grill cloth I ended up removing to sit the drivers correctly ..dB
  22. At the risk of being accused of being a fanboy, my opinion is that as nice as the vintage ortho is that you have, the LCD2 is in a different playing field. I have not heard your particular NAD but I have heard a few flavours of T50V1, the aiwa / akai / etc. My extremely biased opinion is that the wharfedale isodynamic is one of the top performing vintage lot but I could be content with a number of them as my only headpohone - the lowly HP50, my woodied YHD2. I have tuned my YHD2 to be on the edge but the woodied cups offer deep bass so it has both extremes ( ala marc appeasing highs as well as the bass without losing the yamaha mids - still , not everyone's cuppa and very positional). They all have the basics of what I look for in music playback and offer much enjoyment. The LCD2 just adds a depth of playing field that they do not. If the NAD offers you everything you are looking for, then no harm cancelling your order. You can always buy the LCD2 at a later stage and even then, it may not suite your tastes..dB
  23. It is a matter of semantics. They are both planar magnetic, Yamaha coined the term orthodynamic while Fostex described their drivers as isodynamic (as did wharfedale = the original manufacturer of this headphone technology ) Most Yamaha tend to be center pinned with a circular trace ( as were the PMB ) while fostex has erred on the tauter streched membrane attached on the perimeter to the driver suspension. There are naturally variations from this rule - yamaha YHD1/2 etc ..dB
  24. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    Just look up apogee - they are imho AWESOME . FWIW, the LCD2 took about 2 years to come out after initial grumblings ..dB
  25. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    The YH1000 deserves to be heard at least once - it is hard to escape it's midrange "fluidity" . I know people love comparing headphones but I have said this many times, we all look for different things. I am generally not a grado fan but I really enjoyed listening to JP's vintage RS1's. I was taken by ortho's from the beginning - hard to describe but there was something about those vintage headphones that was both acoustically satisfying and appealed to the frugal value in buying them. The LCD2 sort of defies this "cheap bastard" war cry of the ortho heads. In the high end world it would still be good value but this is a relative thing. With all this stat ortho raving going on now, what is it going to look like when transmission audio release their ribbon ear speaker ? ..dB
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