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Everything posted by dBel84

  1. Some of the rooms were clearly not optimal but I suspect that some of it comes down to taste and music being played. Jeff mentioned the Acapella - the brass section sounded like they were a foot from my ears , it was very uncomfortable. I loved the plasma drivers though, mesmerizing. I was also reminded how much snake oil was involved in the real hifi world and a reminder that you didn't have to mortgage your house for a stereo system, some of the really good sounding gear was affordable. One of my "now that's convenient" products was Naim's all in one amp/music router - essentially an integrated 80wpc amp with several digital inputs, a dac , UPnP and USB , sounded good too..dB
  2. great to meet you, Happy Birthday ..dB
  3. another nod to JP, you could see much work went into getting this to run smoothly and have such a vendor presence. My only negative about the show is that many of the loudspeaker rooms were really loud and "shouty" , the fact that I still have ringing in my ears is testament to that. Probably the reason I liked the Audeze speakers as they were very neutral to my ears. ..dB
  4. a belated Happy Birthday..dB
  5. I couldn't post on HC while at RMAF as my phone wouldn't let me sign in? This is probably going to ruffle feathers, roll eyes etc but I do think the LCD3 is significantly different from the LCD2. I really liked the LCD2 too, but comparative to the 3 it is quite dark. I used the same pieces of music to listen to the headphones and although this is instant impression show circumstances , I feel the LCD3 moves the game beyond the previous HE6 vs LCD2 debate. I also think the 009 sounded everybit as meaty - had them running off the same source with the same music , 009 soundstage is wider but both conveyed music with similar control. If someone wants to send me both for an extended listen, I would be more than happy to oblige ;-) ..dB
  6. common headcaser's , not even near 100 posts and no virtual impressions yet? much to learn ..dB
  7. dBel84

    Audeze LCD-2

    https://audeze.com/audez%E2%80%99e-debuts-%E2%80%9Creality-1%E2%80%9D-planar-magnetic-professional-reference-monitor-and-audeze-lcd-3 the monitors look very interesting ..dB
  8. a little pissed I couldn't fly in today, seems "hardly" worth it for the day I will be there. But, it was now or never..dB
  9. Best wishes Al..dB
  10. I may just go ahead and try build this, if it is total fail at least I will have some reference. The low profile tube concept appeals more than the standard box and can be made to fit unobtrusively. It would also work with the linkwitz circuit for better integration..dB
  11. hope to see some of you there, just made some last minute changes to prior commitments ..dB
  12. i came very close to picking one up from ebay on Friday - $130 !! I was at a conference when the bid came up and I never thought it would go unnoticed..dB
  13. Well I really love the monitors but I do miss that low end presence that my towers have. The towers use 2 x 5" mid woofers but then have a folded port and produce energy down to 30-35Hz. Not loud but then my preference is low level listening. The monitors actually shake to floorboards when driven to "normal" ( normal for most folk - ie cannot speak over them ) but I prefer low dB but with all the detail. The idea of utilizing a portion of the media cabinet is pure genius ) ..dB and you are most welcome steve
  14. I find myself in need of a sub - not room shaking high level bass but responsive low end. I have seen a few really good options about but they are all big cubes which have zero aesthetic acceptance from my better half. I thought of placing a low profile unit below the media rack and found a 3 inch long throw ( xmax still limited at 5.5mm ) and a horn loaded design which in theory should produce decent bass 25-100Hz. Anyone have any experience with subwoofers? My instinct tells me I need max surface area with large excursion to reliably produce decent low end but with the trend of things getting smaller in the modern world, I am open to accept that technology has succeeded in producing a good small subwoofer. thanks..dB
  15. happy birthday
  16. how about cutting a very thin lip on the end and folding that down onto the nut - possibly epoxy the flap and nut in place..dB
  17. a two fer - many happy returns ..dB
  18. Peace and good vibes on this day ..dB
  19. A second vote for the Selah's. I consider myself very fortunate to have relieved Tkam of his monitors, the detail and smooth midrange are very special. I suspect luvdunhill's offer would be a similarly great choice ( not to mention value ) as the arum cantus is as well lilked as the raal by many and you would be hard pressed to find that level of quality for $1K. and just for giggles, I really liked the 901 back in the day - stupendous soundstage with large orchestral works..dB
  20. Damn, all this stax love has started the cogs turning again. I resisted buying JP's SRX mkIII's as I knew it would be the start of the spiral but now I keep wondering about the SRX and the 4070 ( I do prefer closed headphones - ie I get to use them more than open ) , AND I just know that will lead to wanting the Omega's or 009's = must resist ........ ..dB
  21. good times indeed. Hope someone managed to sneak some Morgenhof onto your list ..dB
  22. Veels Geluk
  23. Original pics posted ..dB
  24. Thanks to Todd, these will be finding a new home soon..dB
  25. those are all namby pamby , what you really need is a decent set for home listening and finally a picture of my initial desktop concept and it's final inception. simple lines and rural landscapes keep things tranquil.
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