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Everything posted by dBel84
yes the pucks are the only ones that my MP3 can drive with any SQ, so they get more use than any other ortho. The open back increase the headstage, allow for a very smooth response - a bit like the linearity of the modded T50RPmkII BUT with the yamaha vocals. I too am curious how these will sound in a custom housing ..dB EDIT: I modded these for yogi and he prefers stock - i don't , so it comes down to personal preferences at the end of the day
yes , but we are also in asr's O2 territory ..dB
that is great news ..dB
another update $1200 + Contributors : dB / Batman / Pabbi / Forsakenrider / NoNoNoNoNoNo / guzziguy / cfcubed / wiatrob / smeggy / headphoneaddict / ferrari / amphead / germania aka childofthehorn / digger945 / postal_blue / nikongod / MrMajestic2 / adamus / tacitapproval / Alcaudon / nmaher / anon / ferrari / moodysteve / chobint / fishski13 / fordgtlover / linuxworks / vixr / MrSlim / jp11801 / kklee / balderon / krmathis / AMB / MASantos / MisterX / TomB / sacd lover / scompton / Uncle Bob / ericj / holland
so does BJT stand for blow yourself while standing on a transistor and the led is for that inner glow - need some yoga lessons first , I need to get back to work and stop procrastinating. I have vowed to hang up my soldering iron but keep getting pulled to build something else , what is it with this hobby and the addiction. I am guessing you should all be sitting in a big circle and telling your sad tale. yes yes, I've hogged and distracted enough, back on track for the K1000 love ..dB
speaking of gold knobs do any of you remember that nutter who cast his own out of 18ct gold - looked pretty damned awesome but meh!! I have yet to hear AMB's creation, one day and better yet in combo with the K1000 . If only it had tubes , I just can't bring myself to build anything that doesn't glow anymore expecting to read great things from both of you fellas ..dB
Yeah, it was basically what I sent you - I added a little more damping in and killed some of the bass. It is the screw holes that I stripped - I was just squeezing too much padding into that shallow cup. The OTT mod made for an exceptionally smooth sound but there is no return ..dB
OH yeah - stripped most of the screws on the 20th odd time I opened them ( not to discourage you ) I had the luxury of having the YH1000 and a secomd YH100 at the same time and modded one until I came to what was the closest th the YH1000 that I believed could be achieved. ( and then later in a rash moment, changed it out again ) The balance is in the bass - they flip from deep resonant bass to tight arse when you wave some silk in front of them. It is not a bad thing but the bass seems to lose weight and although tight and fast as hell, just loses that depth I need. This is how I have left them and what the folk in CO got to listen to. It still sounds very good but I know it can be better. As wualta and ericj have pointed out - a fine line between frustration and happiness. ( just ask ludoo ) I have never done the full tomek mod and perhaps thta is where I should have started and it would not be a bad place for you to start..dB
Just a real bitch to get the balance right and no space to be creative. Perhaps a roll off smeggypore will be the rescue here?? It kicked serious arse for the bass lite HP3 ..dB edit - looking forward to getting the time to try a woodied cup
wow, I hadn't stayed abreast of the PoMan and had no idea you were at the proto board stage already. It sure looks like anything could be a reality at this point..dB
well gents (ladies) we have crested the $1000 mark Thanks for such fantastic support Contributors : dB / Batman / Pabbi / Forsakenrider / NoNoNoNoNoNo / guzziguy / cfcubed / wiatrob / smeggy / headphoneaddict / ferrari / amphead / germania aka childofthehorn / digger945 / postal_blue / nikongod / MrMajestic2 / adamus / tacitapproval / Alcaudon / nmaher / anon / ferrari / moodysteve / chobint / fishski13 / fordgtlover / linuxworks / vixr / MrSlim / jp11801 / kklee / balderon / krmathis / AMB / MASantos / MisterX / TomB / ..dB
well most of you know what my opinion is here , I look forward to JP and EC's opinions. FULL REVIEWS are demanded (good or bad) Thanks for the compliments all. Seeing as I won't be offended by my opinion , I have to say my preference is for the more rugged look of Earl's. It may be that it has something to do with elbow grease, loss of knuckle skin and labour of love in general. It's not that I don't like JP's - I am very happy with the result, both sonically and aesthetically..dB
An updated list $850 + Contributors : dB / Pabbi / Forsakenrider / NoNoNoNoNoNo / guzziguy / cfcubed / wiatrob / smeggy / headphoneaddict`/ ferrari / amphead / germania aka childofthehorn / digger945 / postal_blue / nikongod / MrMajestic2 / adamus / tacitapproval / Alcaudon / nmaher / anon / ferrari / moodysteve / chobint / fishski13 / fordgtlover / linuxworks / vixr / MrSlim / jp11801 / kklee / balderon / krmathis / AMB / MASantos /
, the line is going to be very long when folk see these you post this update over at the the other place too? I can copy paste if not. ..dB
Those are looking fantastic smeggy - this is just so cool ..dB
LOL - does he have anything left , never thought he would move on from the zana V2 ..dB
aaah , now it makes sense why he was asking if I could have shipped it last week. That is a pity. Hopefully he will take it to Canjam ..dB
It needs updated again so no worries - if you wouldn't mind removing the link and changing it to read PM me. that way I don't have to think about it again - I am going to edit out the links on HF when this is over. thanks again..dB
Updated pics for Nate I was originally just going to tap a screw through the lid but couldn't bring myself to do it. So I stripped the psu section out and drilled out new holes for mounting the wires through the screw down base - top just screws on and off - very neat system. should be shipped out to JP#s by the end of the week. Waiting for new transformer for Earl's but enjoying the eyecandy while I have them ..dB
There ya go thanks Deepak ..dB
It seems the link to my PP acount is not working , if you would like to participate please PM me or you can link through HF. I will update later ..dB
an updated tally Some folk have requested a running tab $700 + Contributors : Pabbi / Forsakenrider / Saachu / guzziguy / cfcubed / wiatrob / smeggy / headphoneaddict / ferrari / amphead / germania aka childofthehorn / digger945 / postal_blue / nikongod / MrMajestic2 / adamus / tacitapproval / Alcaudon / nmaher / anon / ferrari / moodysteve / chobint / fishski13 / fordgtlover / linuxworks / vixr / MrSlim / jp11801 the headphone running thus far seems to be between the "normal" players k702 / RS1 / HD600/650 ..dB
this is the 10 million dollar question. We have discussed classical music in passing and I think he likes stage music but more genre specific I have no idea. I know he has little if any experience with "hi end" headphones and I am a little envious of his ability to sit back and enjoy the music without looking for more and more detail. This all came about because we were discussing just this. I honestly feel any of the top performers will fill the niche. Each of the headphones have their virtues and I have listened to them all bar the Denons. ( or the staxen) I don't think there is a "wrong" option amongst them. just to stir the mud to even consistency ..dB
just letting folk feel that they actually have a say in the matter , we all know no one will agree and seeing as I have the gold ...... ..dB