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Everything posted by dBel84

  1. Ok it seems that the web server for that DIY site is history. It was called Triode Systems and had a lot of good information on it back in the day. I did have a few of the layouts saved on my harddrive so I will attach them here. The basic idea is a small steel chassis with an AC line in and several AC line outs. Internally there are 2 industrial grade line supressors. They recommended Roxburg units as it was a British web site but I used locally sourced medical grade units ( can't recall the name but I can open the box if people find this info critical ) . Two options for layout are recommended as follows: or It works and I convinced myself that I heard a difference at the time, probably because of all the effort I put into making it ..dB
  2. I built the hydra some time ago and still use it in my headphone rig. I also built a larger filter box which I used to run out of my autotransformer - I will see if I can find the link for the plans, it is a simpler version of the John Risch's one mentioned by Pars ..dB
  3. NoNoNoNoNoNo picked it up and came to realise that it was probably not the wisest buy considering as he already has the assemblage dac2.0 , he generously offered it to me at his cost which was a pretty sweet deal. I have been chatting to Filburt about the mods so will head down that road once I have spent a little time with it. My recent upgrade to SACD left redbook sounding a little bright. My old player had the pcm56 dac chip which I liked very much, the SF offers the same natural presentation but with much more detail - makes me think of sacd with some of the redbook playback. ( it uses the pcm1702 dac chip) I will start a detailed thread when I have pics and mods with a few impressions to boot. It was a definate positive step for me ..dB
  4. finally picked up a dac ..dB
  5. Finally taking the plunge into this murky arena so this thread is well appreciated. I have a lot of reading to do to catch up as I have ignored dacs for the most part. My previous player used the PCM56 which is common garden but had a very natural sound. The "new" dac is PCM1702 and sounds detailed and natural thus far. I may just ended up starting one on modding dacs to complement this thread as this is where I will be heading. ..dB
  6. No single malt is worth that , no matter how you try and sell it. Good advertising tho ..dB
  7. Truly fantastic news, been following Birgir's "expose' " too. Hopefully there will be enough accumulated information to set up an SP tech support for future repairs / rebuilds. congrats again..dB
  8. dBel84

    Doggy thread

    Puppy and 3 years later She is a wheaton terrier - awesome dogs ..dB
  9. this is what I am thinking, just not sure why. it is for a netbook so pci card will unfortunately not do the trick. thinking I will just cut my losses and get rid of it. Mostly wanted it to play with and burn selection discs for the car and family picture dvd's for the grandfolk ..dB
  10. the dvd has an external 12V/5V power supply - it seems to spin etc when not connected , just shuts down when i plug in the ide cable ?? ..dB
  11. I thought I would be smart and pick up a cheap dvd burner for my asus I have a usb - ide (pata/sata) cable which works perfectly for any drive I have tried it on but for some reason I can't get the dvd to work. The burner is a samsung SH-S222L lightscribe and is supposed to be PATA/IDE . I set it to slave but have tried all other options when that failed. any help appreciated..dB
  12. all the best..dB
  13. Bah Humbug !! ..dB
  14. another well wish for your birthday ..dB
  15. there was an original pair on the bay earlier today ..dB
  16. good to hear - the switch on those plugs must be a little dodgy ..dB
  17. don't worry about it, this doesn't apply to your plug, unless as Pars pointed out, there is some short in the switch. The position of the cap / resistor should not be critical in your zobel , there must be something that you are overlooking. Just don't know what. ( or the switch is broked) ..dB
  18. The jack looks like it should work as you wanted. It is good for 3A. It looks like all 3 are switching smeggy, check your ground wiring carefully to make sure it is going where you want it to be. ..dB
  19. You have a part number for that headphone plug smeggy? You may just need to buy a decent switch and manually go between speakers and headphones - little effort involved on your part and you don't have to worry about plug tolerances. ..dB
  20. this is interesting nate, I toyed with adding a zobel to an unstable PPA a few years ago - was serving preamp duty and I thought it might have been a loading issue. Any suggestions for "universal values" or just stick to the speaker zobel? ..dB
  21. not sure if you would need a different zobel for the stax box but this is what Ti says" Zobel network In each of the three configurations above, if the amplifier is intended to drive speakers, the Zobel networks as shown (22Ω 2W metal oxide power resistor and 0.047
  22. The money will be in the power supply ( always is ) and how OTT the build becomes wrt resistor and cap choices. Using basic good quality mouser/digikey parts, this amp should not blow the budget. But it is no lightweight build either - tubes have 300V on their plates and iirc the rails were around 40V..dB
  23. $20 a board which has everything on it , including LV and HV power supply - sweet deal , must resist ... this is seriously tempting ..dB :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  24. Happy Crappy days? ..dB
  25. sorry to hear of the woes JP, kids got me a new asus for fathers day and hoping it lasts a while ..dB
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