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Everything posted by dBel84

  1. dBel84

    Beyer T1

    I had read a link a few days ago about some ring radiator type driver - will need to dig and find it but I suspect this is the HD800 competition in every sense ..dB
  2. Is that really an 800 thread count mustard guilded abstract thistle embossed table cloth!! Never seen one quite like it, do tell us more ..dB
  3. never tried to open them, i suspect it was just yours and NoNoNoNoNoNo's that were like this. Curious as to why they changed things at such a late hour ..dB
  4. I am curious, did yours have the additional damping inside and they didn't happen to mention a reason for the change ? as for judging the market?! anybodies guess. I personally thought they sounded very good and are a great product for those wanting a new production top tier ortho. and yes , I am in the camp who like the look of the ortho phones ..dB
  5. wishing you a fantastic day ..dB
  6. My brief experience with the lcd1 was that it was very good but had room for improvement. I think this marginal addition of damping may just do the trick, Icarium, if you do not have the foam, it would be worth exploring ..dB
  7. i never opened them but am assuming the foam is on the drivers ( i think that is integral ) the foam that shines through the holes is what I was referring to ..dB
  8. good news . Based on thta picture, they have been experimenting with damping as the various models were sent out. I don't recall NoNoNoNoNoNo/Morphski's pair having that foam pad that I can see through the vents. This is good and bad as there will not be a common denominator to compare across these initial models. Perhaps Sankar/Alex can chip in and comment on this? ..dB
  9. it's all your doing i tell you ..dB
  10. need to get them into my hands first, hopefully I will make it over there soon. @steve , hoping that one day I get to a meet and find a pair of donuts to listen to. ..dB
  11. itching to open them lcd1's but one ortho is pretty much like the next. The only caveat with the T50v1 is that it is reported to have a driver that is light enough to damped by air = this changes the equation considerably and other aspects of the driver coupling need to be considered with as much significance. ..dB
  12. I had meant to add in (curse that edit restriction and demanding kids) that that there are many other "ortho-capable" head casers; our beloved smeggy, cetoole, F3D, BMF, ericj are but a few who spring to mind. ..dB
  13. There's no blushing smiley, I am flattered ..dB
  14. keeping us in suspense eh ..dB
  15. yes the HP3 is seriously inefficient, the reason some folk drive them directly from power amps. I am surprised that your amp clipped. The efficiency of the lcd1 is a huge bonus , it is like the YH1K in this regard. ..dB
  16. and the HP3 sounded more balanced and smooth across the frequencies ..dB edit - yes I am just stirring
  17. I hear people giving these frames a hard time - they have their merits. The headband is comfortable, the cups are metal and allow for good coupling (not as robust as the YH1K but far superior to the stock T50RPmkII imo) . It is unfortunate that the drivers have been made to fit this cup shape , not sure an egg is the way I would have chosen to go BUT the driver is held firmly in place by a rigid poly...... frame. It is damped - single layer of what looks like black craft felt. The velour pads, no comment - we know that pads can make or break most orthos and these will be no exception. The great thing is that they sound suoerb stock, and offer those interested in tweaking an opportunity to tune them to their own preferences. ..dB
  18. my 2p I feel the LCD1 is overall fairly well balanced. I do feel it can be improved based on my own experience with orthodynamic headphones. The bass is good but can be a little unfocused with complex music. I find the mids are, relatively, a little underdamped ( a very common ortho habit ) while the top end is slightly rolled off. All this can be "easily" addressed with a little additional damping. The mids will be pulled back ever so slightly, the highs will be pushed up and the bass will become more focused. The trade off will be in the soundstage, these orthos have one of the best soundstages and this will be compromised to a small degree. My biggest surprise and perhaps a real bonus for the LCD1 is their efficiency - they can be listened to at low volumes wihtout compromise and as this is my preferred level, this makes these a pleasure to listen to. The overall sound signature is similar to those musty vintage thingamebobs ortho heads keep paying homage to. It is the speed and impact of that planar element letting you know that you are listening to something special. ..dB
  19. now you need to start investigating the arena of OTT resistors for shunting ..dB
  20. spoil sport the diy board looks fantastic - kudos to you both ..dB
  21. what happened to 10 - 19 ? that is one hell of a power cable connector - 11 supplies would be a handful to try and keep organized. What does the cable look like and does it have internal shielding between the separate supplies? ..dB
  22. this needs to be corrected - I think I have the concept down too but a simple idiots guide for ( my ) sanity will go a long way. Get out that paper and sketch one, mail it to me, I will scan it in ..dB
  23. Hi Nate, I first heard of the single pot shunted for balanced when Ari posted in this thread. " use 2 resistors each 1/2 the recommended value. one on each "end" of the pot.” " I have never done it myself but I don't think the swiper end should be connected to either "leg" . if it is, it looks like it will for a voltage divider network and cause imbalance - more like a balance control. Smeggy , to answer your question. I have done this a few times and is now my default option for wiring up a pot ( I have not shunted expensive attenuators as I don't own any , the RK27 shunt mod is plenty good for my sanity ) ..dB EDIT: jeez - a few seconds go by and all this activity
  24. thought you might just appreciate that ..dB
  25. what's more to add - we need headshot pics with a smug grin. am looking forward to NoNoNoNoNoNo dropping these off tomorrow so that I can spend some time with them ..dB
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