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Everything posted by jtsin67

  1. Leave not the laptop logged in. Smart arse hipster teen.
  2. Erdinger Dunkel very nice stuff and in a proper sized bottle. Not too sure the Belgian selection there. Favourites from that gods-own beer haven are pretty common to find - Chimay blue, Duvel, Westmalle. Be glad you are there because here in Singapore, dunkel is about $12.50 (SGD) in the "pub", Duvel is $18, Chimay Blue is $23. OUCH! Gone are the days of emptying a crate of blues in a short timeframe!
  3. So it works quite nicely - simply snipped off the 1/8" plug from the stock cable and wired a couple of tails. Off my 16 Ohm taps there is a really small amount of play as i guess you would expect, but the sound is very nice indeed. I will be waiting until i have the MM to test how the sound differs, but it is surprisingly good right off the bat.
  4. I am going to try my senn's wired up today - cautiously! So may be in the market for new gear shortly!
  5. Thanks for that. I found some good info on building a unit to match the impedance of cans to speaker amp terminals. 1000's are out of reach, 340's may be a goer.
  6. Beginning to burn in some zu wax cables on the 2 channel setup.
  7. Hmmm- reckon i still need the cans so if i can buy a set that are ready to wire in all the better. I think with that connector in the FS id' need to wire up an attenuator to use just any old cans, right?
  8. I was not aware the 340's could be wired to the amp. I should have been clearer with the title and explanation of needing something to wire direct to the speaker terminals but thanks for the pointers - starting to dive a little deeper into the AKG options as i have had a pair so long ago i cant remember but loved the sound (too bad the head band broke) and I left them to rot in a corner..
  9. Hi, While i am spending pennies on my senn setup, i am considering looking at a set of cans that can leverage a nice 300B p/p amp i use on my speaker system. I think there are numerous options but wonder if anyone can offer first hand experience with cans and 300B amps? Thanks.
  10. We are the league - ANL UP for the last night of the CNY holidays!
  11. jtsin67

    slow forum

    I can see my kids trying this with a plate of muffins and our dog..
  12. home & health - CNY and stuck at home...
  13. No sorry i mean room noise.
  14. I have a day dedicated to listening to music and will be doing both the pico with senns and ipod, as well as with my cd/dac source. The quick try earlier in the week was quite surprising but i noted the dial was up over the 1 o'clock position (there was a bit of background noise). I will see how i go today but i am now at the point where pulling the pico out of my portable setup and putting it into the 2 channel is just a pain. Roll on the MM!
  15. Potential offer on a Millet Max set, nice the forum works out so well ;-)
  16. So far i am somewhat surprised with the Pico. I just ran it from my 640v2>lite 39> pico > 600's and it was quite acceptable. From the Tomahawk to the pico the bass is certainly more controlled higher into the volume levels. Still too much of in-my-head from the sound though, and compared with the SA6 IEM's the soundstage seems a bit more "behind" me than in front. Am i re-learning headphone sound after time away!
  17. So i took the plunge on the pico and will sell off my old Tomahawk and look for a dedicated amp for the senns over the next few weeks. Lot's of reading to do. Hopefully something nice comes up but i've sent out a feeler for pricing from Woo audio and some others too.
  18. Thanks for the replies - GS-1 certainly sounds nice but at the moment is more than i am willing to spend. I really want a setup that i can basically use bedside - because i will use the speakers when i am in front of them. Really i need to decide if a fully portable (pico et al) will suffice for my travel with IEM's and sitting around the house with the 600's/ipod. Lot's of good suggestions and i am still hoping to hear back on a millet build locally. Ah another one to research with the lunchbox !
  19. I dont have a DAC for the headphone setup. I have a Lite 39 for my 2 channel setup but i was looking at a non-DAC pico here thats for sale. I may still up for the pico for my IEM's anyway and go a desktop for the senns (small formfactor was the original plan so hoping to keep it compact). Some folks locally are looking at a group buy of head-direct EF1 at a good price if i cant hook find a millet maxed.
  20. Thanks peanutbutterjam for the tip, drop me a note with contact details and i will see how i go.
  21. Thanks Beefy, if only i hadn't put so many of my spare pennies into the main 2 channel setup! Small availability on the used market here and with the USD stronger at the moment..tough to spend!
  22. Yes indeed! Your sale set me up for angst! Had you posted it a day earlier i would have expedited it to the east coast and brought it home with me. Did you sell it by the way?
  23. Hi, I am presently looking at an amp to run my HD600's. I am also looking if possible to consolidate and use a good portable to cover those and my IEM's. Looking closely at the pico as it "might" fit both bills, but i know the lean is toward a decent home rig...in which case i am looking at DV336SE or one of the LD units as they are available here locally pretty easily. Anyone have feedback on using pico to drive 600's? Or else talk me away from it and into a dedicated home amp! Thanks!
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