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Everything posted by HiWire

  1. All righty, then. I'll call my dealer on the corner.
  2. Has anybody tried these? I haven't found a lot of impressions by searching the web so far.
  3. Congrats on the new amp!
  4. Happy Birthday, Phil!
  5. I've been looking at the Ultimate Ears super.fi 4's for my cellphone. Since the list price is around $129.95, I'm betting that it might go for less than $100 when sales and discounts kick in.
  6. That seems to be the Cambridge Audio "house sound"... a bit bright and hard. I was interested in testing an 840C, but was dissuaded by the owners' impressions and my sales rep.
  7. Thanks, guys. I guess he'll announce something officially if he's ready.
  8. It's been a while since Justin mentioned the new modules... I know he has been having trouble sourcing some of the parts. Has anybody heard the new modules yet? Also, are they being used in the GS-X as well?
  9. This is kind of off-the-wall, but how about cordless earbuds/headphones? I don't know if they sell for under $100, but since she has a habit of destroying cables...
  10. The SCD-DR1 looks interesting... I wonder if any of that technology will trickle down to consumer players in the next 10 years.
  11. Abaddon, your wallet is going to feel oddly empty inside.
  12. I think that was due to the D-NE20's digital amplifier. There is an error in my review - the D-NE10 actually followed the D-EJ2000. The D-NE20 came after the D-NE10, naturally. I gave my mom a D-NE10 for Christmas a while ago... it sounded a little different than my '2000, but it hadn't been played much at the time. The D-NE10 also has an analog amp, but is slightly heavier and has an entirely different design than the '2000, while the D-NE20 is physically in the same lineage as the '2000.
  13. I finally posted a review of my Sony D-EJ2000 to Audioreview, just in time for complete irrelevance Sony D-EJ2000 Reviews Cheers!
  14. HiWire


    How do they sound out of the Primare's DAC?
  15. Happy Birthday, Tyll!
  16. HiWire


    Dudes... I thought the whole point was to keep these things at reasonable prices. A vintage RS-1 shouldn't cost that much. Don't let the hype overwhelm your good judgment.
  17. The other interesting thing in the article is the discussion on headphone output impedance. There seems to be a lot of variation...
  18. I quickly browsed through an article about headphone measurements in this month's Stereophile. It's worth a look.
  19. Congrats on your new source, tkam. Regarding the PS1 phenomenon - because some people want something for nothing, and are unable to count the accumulated costs of shipping, modding, etc. and are then biased when comparing their source investment to other sources. I was hoping that the Oppo players were going to be something like that, but the weight of evidence indicates that they are good for the money, but no giant killers. I ended up investing in something that I enjoyed and could afford, after hearing the highest-end system available for my auditioning (dCS Paganini).
  20. I try to finish books in a short time period, if possible. Unfortunately, I've probably got about 10 books that I started but haven't finished...
  21. Thanks! These will probably be especially useful to those who can understand what they are looking at...
  22. We're all winners
  23. Congrats on the earspeakers, Renato. They've got a very unique sound.
  24. This sounds like a new Head-Case motto: "Burn in your headphones or we'll do it for you. This is not a threat - it's a promise."
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