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Everything posted by peanutbutterjam

  1. Totally agree with the first statement. But why sigmas? Or are the 2 statements unrelated
  2. Why is this so? Many people say this, but I never understood the reason.
  3. That discrete opamp is definitely either Audio-gd's or copied exactly. I used them before, and they look EXACTLY the same as that in the pictures, except that the colour of the PCB board on mine was brown.
  4. Oh no it isn't small in any way. This is an interesting thread, particularly MASanto' question.
  5. x2. It does some tricks really well, but it is so uncomfortable that I wouldn't even think of it, even if it were 1k.
  6. Hm I know of some people who want their amps to match the colour of their iPods, so maybe that dude has a purple iPod?
  7. What you mean the colour makes a 250% difference?
  8. Hm frankly if you don't really need portables you should get a nice desktop amp which would do the job better for less. Don't especially listen to some people (from yeah THAT place) who can claim the P-51 drives the K701.
  9. Are you serious?
  10. Yeah I sorta expected around 5k...
  11. All this talk is making me impatient *hint hint* Hey you mean you got two SR-Lambdas?
  12. I love the title man
  13. How does an opposite charged gets "stuck" there? Wouldn't the charge be neutralised by the biasing charge instantly? Erm how is that so? I mean the biasing supply can charge up the membrane from 0V to the biasing voltage in split seconds when you plug in your phones. Removing the stray charge should not require anywhere as much current right Unless there are so much opposite charges on the membrane that the membrane holds a net opposite charge, but that seems impossible given the potential energy.
  14. Hm I haven't tried resistance adaptors on the triple fi, but I can assure that resistance adaptors on the ER-4P (which is what they were made for) certainly doesn't have that effect, if anything thay actually reduce the bass slightly but give much better detail and control.
  15. Hi, Can someone tell me how the SR-202 with the SRM-252 fairs? Is it worth it at a price of $400 (compared to a lambda with energizer which would be more expensive)? Sorry for all the noob questions.
  16. Oh no the secret is out You are one really funny guy sir.
  17. Hm I know of some people who had this exact issue, but apparently it was all solved with an impedence adaptor, like the P-S adaptor made by etymotics.
  18. Umm Haha hope you don't mind me posting the link here? I just want to know more. I'll remove it if its any issue.
  19. Yeah I agree with the new pads totally based on the pics. How much would the pads cost anyway? Whoa another one just came up: FS: Stax SR-Lambda (normal bias) - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio How does the normal bias one compare with the pro bias one?
  20. Totally agreed about the millet max. Btw jtsin67 if you really want you could look for wlwlb to build you one (I'm assuming that your location is really Singapore). I personally have tried his millet max compared to the DV and LD stuff (the balanced one is of course another story), and I found it more to my liking. No relation to wlwlb btw, just that I know him and many can attest to the fact that he's a great guy.
  21. I have tried the ACS T1 and T2 before, though they aren't mine so clearly the fit isn't going to be 100% perfect. If anyone is actually interested to know I could post some short impressions, though i don't think my impressions would be very accurate or reflective since they aren't mine in the first place. Yeah I totally agree with that. The cost of customs is just too prohibitive. I could think of quite a bit of home gear that would go for that kind of prices. As it is, I'm very happy with my ER-4's, and I'm stopping at that.
  22. Why is that so? Unless you mean simply that there's no point turning on the amp without a headphone. Edit: just saw n_maher's reply Interesting... Why is that so? In fact I heard from some friends of mine that they usually leave their amps on for a while before using to warm up, and because they own a few cans they usually just let the amp warm up without anything connected.
  23. Huh? Sorry I don't really understand your question. Do you mean to ask whether a headphone amp can be turned on without headphones plugged in?
  24. Ah yes I forgot to mention this. Indeed you'll need the braided ones to loop properly. But as far as i know, usually the ER-4P comes with the braided ones while the ER-4S comes with the straight ones. Correct me if i'm wrong. Hey tony, i'm really curious, how much does the Apuresound recable change the sound? Is the difference between the recable and stock similar to the ammount of difference between the P and S?
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