My BA has finally arrived and I am pleased with the purchase. I decided to pair up with a set of EML 300b mesh plates (yes, its a REAL mesh). I sent my glass to Craig so he could compare with several other tubes he had (PX4, SET 300b, EAT, etc). He thought (so do I) the EML 300b mesh sounds great. The interesting part is the tube comes alive if you switch to use the PX4 biasing instead of the standard 300B. According to Craig the PX4 operating points are conservative and is below the EML 300B Mesh maximums. This is a good thing as I would not want to stress out the output tubes.
I am bummed that during rolling different driver tubes my Mullard ADZAM 6SL7 driver heater burned out ( I don't know if I didn't wait long enough before plugging it in and a surge killed it.... Either way I am quite bummed it's gone. I really want to get another one but am so hesitant due to the cost. I still have the Tung Sol 6SN7 round plate. It's a little more analytical than the ADZAM but at this level everything is so subtle.