Hi everyone, I figure i would post this in the Headphones section so it can get the most traffic
Because of the desire of a real-time chat about headphones, audio and general stuff, I invite you all to join our irc chatroom.
We have over 30 members, most of which are active head-fi and head-case members and mods, and we have been around for almost 2 years already.
Our chat and the mods are completely easygoing, you won't find any "headfi-like" behaviour in any way. You can talk about whatever you want!
To join the channel with your browser, go to http://hhfjava.hopto.org
http://hhfjava.sytes.net (corrected by grawk because null is a dumbass)
However, If you have IRC, it is much better to connect to affinity.zoite.net and join #headphone-hifi
See you on!!