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About null

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. and ive just 4channed headphones hifi lol
  2. grawk im in ur photostreems
  3. yeah it is! i noticed you were only on for a minute or so
  4. hehe just posting for some people who may be interested
  5. Hi everyone, I figure i would post this in the Headphones section so it can get the most traffic Because of the desire of a real-time chat about headphones, audio and general stuff, I invite you all to join our irc chatroom. We have over 30 members, most of which are active head-fi and head-case members and mods, and we have been around for almost 2 years already. Our chat and the mods are completely easygoing, you won't find any "headfi-like" behaviour in any way. You can talk about whatever you want! To join the channel with your browser, go to http://hhfjava.hopto.org http://hhfjava.sytes.net (corrected by grawk because null is a dumbass) However, If you have IRC, it is much better to connect to affinity.zoite.net and join #headphone-hifi See you on!!
  6. I guess the general consensus is to ride it out and see what happens. For some reason morph has been really anal lately. In the year the channel has been up I never remember him being this bitchy. Ahh well we'll see. btw it seems like people do want a stats page. so ill try to get one up, although i dont really know how to make one lol
  7. Hi guys. Morph and I have successfully reached an agreement. Those who are not aware, basically we can continue to post shock links however we are either going to make an independant stats page, or simply not bother with one at all because of morph's concern that the links are associated with zoite. Beeble was also welcomed back. Hurray, Im so glad we got things resolved! BTW if you have any other concerns talk to me in the channel, send me a PM here, or email me (PM me for my email) EDIT: by the way, if you would like, please vote on whether to have a stats page or not here --> http://www.jessehallphotography.com/hfpoll/
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