I'm trying to decide what would be the best use of my money. I recently purchased a pair of Audioengine A5's, and I like them quite a bit. However, I recently became aware of the NHT M-00's, and I could probably afford a pair of those if I stretched my budget. The way I see it, I have two options. I could keep the A5's, add an Onix X-Sub, and call it a day. That would probably make for a pretty sweet 2.1 system. Alternatively, I could return the A5's and buy the M-00's, which I would imagine perform at a somewhat higher level than the A5's. I couldn't use my X-Sub in that setup, but that's not a deal breaker for me. It would probably be a long time before I could afford a subwoofer for that system though.
What do you guys think I should do?
BTW, I have two sources: a Rega Apollo and an Apogee Duet.