So I'm going to be getting some Sennheiser HD650s soon, and I'll be plugging those into a Pioneer VSX-80TXV receiver, which is going to be connected to my computer that has an HT Omega Claro+ sound card. But I don't have any amplification for the headphones. My budget for an amp maxes out at 200, which I realize isn't a lot, but is there still an option at or below that price that will still net me a sizeable improvement in sound quality?
Actually, here's another question... if I were to go with the HD650s... would it make a noticeable improvement if I coupled that with av123's X-head amp or something? The 650s are fairly inexpensive, so I think I could stand to spring for an amp if it'll net me a considerable improvement.
Well that sound expensive and complex. Meaning, out of my price range. But I'm definitely learning a lot of stuff that I'd be asking down the road when I'm no longer a starving college student.
So I've got a lot of ideas now... and I'll just simplify the question and see what people say:
What do you consider the best pair of phones for under $500 and why?
Actually, better question: What's up with these "balanced" HD650's that I'm hearing about? It almost seems that balancing them basically makes them better than any other set in their class. And if that's true, that pretty much makes my decision.
So what's gotta be done to balance them, and does that + proper amplification really make these phones a clear winner?
The only piece of equipment I've got right now is the Pioneer VSX-80 receiver, which I'm currently using to power my speakers. The budget is just for headphones. Most of the use for this is going to be my PC, which has an HT Omega Claro+ card installed. My computer's hooked up to the receiver via coaxial.
So basically, Denons and ATs are probably out?
Naw, not really. I'd just heard good things about these companies' headphones, and I found some stuff that was in my price range. I've got a semi-ghetto pair of Sennheiser EH350's right now, and I looked at the 650s but have heard that they have some major issues. Apart from those, though, I'm not entirely sure where to look.
So how about Denon's AH-D5000 headphones? Not sure how these would compare, but I wanna throw them into the mix since it seems like a lot of people really like them.
I'm finally in the market for some new headphones, and I think I've got it narrowed down. I'm looking at either Audio Technica's W1000 headphonse or their AD1000PRM headphones. The only difference I know is that the W1000s are slightly more expensive and are closed rather than open. What I don't know is whether the headphones being closed is a bad thing in terms of sound accuracy... since sometimes it seems that can cripple a pair of cans.
Basically, I'm looking for something that'll work especially well for orchestral/classical sorts of music. I'm slightly concerned about the bass being underpowered... I don't need to have my eardrums dominated by bass, but it's gotta be there and it's gotta be accurate. I'll be plugging these into my Pioneer VSX-80TXV receiver.
So which one of these is the better choice, or is there something else in this price range that I should consider?