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High Rollers
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About Aliacha

  • Birthday 08/02/1984


  • Location
    Vancouver, BC
  • Interests
    Photography / Gaming / Cars / Gadgets
  • Headphones
    Current: Stax SR-007 / Sennheiser HD-650 / Etymotic ER-4P / Grado RS-1 / Stax SR-Ω

Aliacha's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. 88x Tube 6FQ7 6CG7 RAYTHEON JAPAN NIB $5.8 Each Tube - eBay (item 5873841025 end time Jun-26-06 09:22:33 PDT) Were they those ones? Suprising the page is still there.
  2. There's already one going on. BC official meet. IC. - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  3. WHERE CHICKENMAN?? Big belly rub for you.
  4. Stax Omega-1 Stax Omega-2 Senn HD-650s Grado RS-1 Ety ER-4Ps I'd move the RS-1s up if I had flat pads.
  5. Stax HPS-2 (x2) + CPC-1 (x2)
  6. Sooo you still selling the SB3? I've been thinking of getting a SB3, but I'm poor(cheap) and the two SB3 deal is over with.
  7. With the amount of money they stand to make on lower-end headphones, the amount of time and money it costs to make a new 'statement' headphone just isn't worth it profit-wise. The only ones able to make mainly high-end headphones are smaller companies like Grado and some IEM companies that usually cater to professional musicians.
  8. I've got the feeling it's because you're on here/IRC and not doing the project.. but thats just me
  9. Have you tried some proxy servers? http://brianwatch.com/nph-proxy.pl http://proxy.clickthese.com/
  10. Aliacha

    Best Buy

    The one time I went to Magnolia I asked the sales guy if they had any Grado headphones. They said they didn't, but they had some sennheisers and stuff. He then went on and named some amps and stuff like Headroom. I was suprised they knew anything about headphones! Well I left the store and went next door and got a pair of SR-60s. \
  11. <jjcha-KR> anyway <jjcha-KR> the new grado <jjcha-KR> with flats <jjcha-KR> HOLY FUCKING SIHT I NEED ONE
  12. Oh no, another dude for PFK to poke/squeeze/do something gay with. Pretty stupid you couldn't post a farewell message though. You called it!
  13. He should diversify his bonds.
  14. Aliacha

    Paypal Fees

    On personal accounts, I think you can only accept ~600 a month without fees, and you also can't accept credit card payments. Otherwise most people switch over to the business/premier accounts, which let you accept credit and have no limit to how much you recieve, though you do start to pay the .03% You could always just include the fees to the item you're selling.
  15. Me? Spam? I'd never!
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