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Everything posted by dsavitsk

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. I had Conrad fail to respond to emails a few months ago. Once they finally did, they were very apologetic and offered me a big discount. I think someone there is just disorganized, so I'd try again. Not your exact size, but HeatsinkUSA might be an option.
  3. There are still things connected together. Why would bringing the wires outside the box for a moment change whether or not the electrons want to be pampered by Techflex?
  4. http://www.elma.com/en-eu/products/rotary-switches/audio-solutions/product-pages/a47-series-audio-attenuator-detail/ http://switch-products.shallco.com/item/rotary-switches/rotary-switches-industrial-and-military-grade/114-fm My experience is that the people at Elma are super nice and helpful. The people at Shallco are not. And I have been told from reputable people to expect to disassembled the Shallco to try to get it to align correctly.
  5. Elma has a 46. And Shalco has a 63.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. I am late to the party, but I'll second Tube Depot, Jim McShane, and JJ EL84's.
  8. I don't necessarily think a switcher is the end of the world. A) the noise can be filtered, and B ) the noise from rectifiers can be more of an issue. Whether this particular supply is any good, I have no idea. Aesthetically, it looks like it is frowning which seems like a poor marketing choice.
  9. They do work in reverse! I'm just an idiot.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Well, actually, 48 per board on 4 boards. But they all get attached together.
  12. It is the source and drain that are flipped, and Fairchilds definitely work in reverse, but these don't seem to, although they do conduct. I'll keep testing in case it is something else not working, but so far it is a no go.
  13. Soldered 200 surface mount JFETs and 400 surface mount resistors to a circuit board only to discover that Toshiba JFETs use a different pinout from everyone else.
  14. http://www.partsconnexion.com/socket_tefcom.html
  15. Mystery of why the university didn't close solved.
  16. Everything in CT is closed today, except UConn. They sent out a defiant email saying, in essence, we know we should close, but we have already closed twice this year and we just don't want to do it again.
  17. I think it is the WTW4800BQ -- we got ours from Home Depot, and that seems to match. I don't know that this would be great for a family with a bunch of kids and sports equipment, etc. but for the two of us, it does just fine.
  18. We needed a new washer and after looking around ended up buying just about the cheapest, feature barren, upright washer we could. No front loading, no digital control, no high efficiency, etc. I think it was $360 delivered and installed (well under the cost to repair the old one). It works great. No lint, no stink, no leaks, clothes get clean, it is fast and reasonably quiet.
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Mine too. In the summer of 1993, I called some fly-by-night headphone company that was advertising in Stereophile. After asking about the SR-60s, they advised me to buy some SR-80s and a "Little" amp instead as they were sure I'd be much happier. Even though it took months to get them as they were backordered, in the end I was I happily used that setup for almost 10 years.
  21. That's what hammers are for.
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