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Everything posted by dsavitsk

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Maybe, but it is what we collectively seem to believe we deserve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_myth
  3. Reminded me of this from when I was young - count the legs
  4. And security guards trailed us to a record shop We asked for Mojo Nixon They said, "He don't work here" We said, "If you don't got Mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin'"
  5. While we are on the subject of useless camera formats - I long ago got rid of nearly all of my collectable camera gear (the Graflex was a gift, received subsequent to that purge). The one piece I kept was my Pen FT half frame with bellows and slide copier. Because who doesn't need to convert all of their slides into even smaller slides?
  6. I have one of those. It is indeed nothing but a dust collector. Back when I was selling used cameras, we probably had two dozen of them siting around - we couldn't give them away and instead we used them as decoration. I am 100% certain we never sold one. We also had piles of other 4x5 and 8x10 stuff around - the store had been open since 1907 or something - and we never sold any of those, either. FWIW, if I wanted to shoot large format again, this would be about my last choice of camera. Basically all of the headache and cost of large format, but almost none of the benefits.
  7. @robm321 Hadn't been in this thread in awhile, came to post this, and saw the similar post above.
  8. Norman Jewison, director of Fiddler on the Roof, dies aged 97 https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/jan/22/norman-jewison-dead-director-moonstruck
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. I haven't tried it, but there's a tool for moving from Tidal to qobuz https://soundiiz.com/tutorial/tidal-to-qobuz
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. dsavitsk

    Cable Cutters

    Is there any other place to watch it? ESPN used to have some (I watched the Scotties there a couple years ago) but in their attempt to not show sports anymore that has disappeared.
  14. dsavitsk

    Cable Cutters

  15. I didn't. I thought it would be necessary, but so far I have not needed it. I've been comfortable without it working on lengths up to around 60"
  16. Cinnamon bread
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. dsavitsk


    Experience: Stevie Wonder secretly played on my band’s single https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/nov/10/experience-steve-wonder-secretly-played-on-my-bands-single
  19. Happy birthday!
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