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Everything posted by dsavitsk

  1. I believe that's how I won in 2014. Here's what this year's winning bracket looks like.
  2. Mine has been on Nougat for quite a while now (7.1.1 now) and while I am not a power user by any means, I have no complaints. It has worked flawlessly as far as I am aware. Obviously I cannot speak to your particular device.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. I saw the P5 in Minneapolis years ago. It was an odd and fun show - I feel like a remember there being a dancing bear with a snare drum. I have been listening to this. I don't really like anything else Fugazi did, but this EP is just about perfect.
  5. I made this. It is a usb dac with a headphone driver built in. I made it as I was tired of having lots of boxes and cables all over my desk. Obviously it still needs a case.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. I once put a Clearaudio cartridge on my turntable. I chose it over another brand as the dealer told me the stylus was replaceable. Sometime later, the stylus broke, and when I went to get a replacement, I was told that in fact the stylus was not replaceable, but that they would give me a $100 trade in on the broken cart. They suggested that a trade in discount was the equivalent of being able to replace the stylus. I suppose it would have been had the discount been a little steeper, but $100 off a $650 cartridge was laughable.
  8. Hope you have a trump free day.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. For Sechtdamon: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/09/movies/kedi-review.html
  11. I was supposed to play tennis this afternoon. Instead I am snowed in and have nothing to do but work and/or shovel. Worst snow day ever.
  12. RIP William A. Norris. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/30/us/william-norris-dead-federal-judge-gays-in-military-ruling.html
  13. http://www.magneticmetals.com/ https://www.thomas-skinner.com/transformerlaminations.htm http://www.edcorusa.com/m6-steel http://www.ebay.com
  14. EI flux is directional, so often easier to avoid. And they have lower bandwidth meaning they act as noise filters.
  15. On reread it is clearly sarcasm. And I clearly need to lighten up.
  16. Despite all the evidence to the contrary ...
  17. Is it Trump?
  18. The linked TAL will send shivers down your spine. It is one of the most horrifying things I have heard in a long time. Oddly, I don't think Trump has any fealty to these issues other than an early recognition that he could ride them to power. I also don't think he has any aversion to them.
  19. So it is basically all Larry Summers' fault. I actually think the Frontline analysis is wishful thinking and that Stretch's view is, sadly, closer to the truth. I think it is a race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious backlash. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/600/will-i-know-anyone-at-this-party
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