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Everything posted by dsavitsk

  1. This is now 5 very expensive systems in a row that probably sound worse than a $100 pair of Kenwoods in a room with a thick rug on the floor.
  2. Assuming there's an extra, I might be interested in one. I have a big, 6 year old tower Thinkserver that seems unnecessary.
  3. 2nd Unifi. Our house has all plaster with metal lath, which means every room is a Faraday cage. I ran cable to each floor and have an access point on each level and it works great.
  4. I think you are only seeing the bottom half of the window - or else it's an attic room with a low ceiling at the wall. Cinder blocks make excellent speaker stands.
  5. Happy Birthday
  6. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2019/10/winners-of-the-wildlife-photographer-of-the-year-2019/600130/
  7. I was using Crashplan, but they keep adding file types (such as virtual machines and backup files) they will no longer back up. I still like SpiderOak.
  8. If only he could give his own eulogy ...
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Joseph Wilson.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geza_X
  14. Saw the Cardigans in '95 (?) on the Life tour at the Doubledoor in Chicago. I think there were about 50 people there.
  15. I think Live Through This is one of the most underrated albums from the early 90's, and that it is better than any Nirvana album.
  16. I am absolutely the opposite. I had to read the Iliad in high school (30 years ago). I got it on tapes and listened to it on high speed and I think it's the only book from that year I remember at all.
  17. dsavitsk

    Amazon Music HD

    I will happily pay an extra $5 to not support Amazon. https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2018/12/25/streaming-music-services-pay-2019/
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. My mother stopped by my house the other day. While looking for her key to the back door*, she set her Macbook (2013 MBA I believe) down on the table that was sitting there. Unfortunately, that table turned out to be a tile wetsaw, and she consequently plunged her computer into a water bath. We dried it off and covered it with rice to no avail. The Apple store has declared it dead and sold her a new computer. Fortunately everything important was backed up. But, are there any tips or tricks to either salvaging the computer, or at least to recovering the non-essential stuff that might not have been backed up? * the clear moral here is to not give your mother a key to your house.
  20. Oy. There is a section of our house fed by galvanized plumbing wrapped in "an asbestos like material" that runs through an unreachable crawl space. Redoing it is going to involve demoing much of the entryway which looks like this.
  21. I like those, and don't mind the whole thing as an acoustical art installation. But it is a shitty amplifier being sold for a lot of money.
  22. The PA system in an 8 room school built in 1920.
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