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Everything posted by dsavitsk

  1. I'm fascinated by this one. I made it through about half of the first episode. I thought it was the single worst thing I have tried to watch in as long as I can remember. Just horrible. A bad parody of a terrible show. About half the reviews seem to agree with me. The other half seem to find it to be campy great fun. I guess it just depends what you want from TV?
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. I agree with knuck's suggestions of full manual control. I'd take that to mean Fuji, however. I have an X70 that I love. I can recommend that, but I can't say how it compares to other/newer models. I wouldn't wish a Canon camera on my worst enemy (and i wouldn't even think enough about a Nikon to decide whether my enemies might like one.) Also, fwiw, if I had a teenager with a budding interest in photography, I'd buy them a Pentax K1000 (with a 50mm normal lens), a pile of Tri-X, and a class on how to use it. https://www.photoretro.biz/workshops.html
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. The only thing I have ever known about Rick Wakeman is the first line of this song ...
  8. dsavitsk

    Podcast Thread

    Any week is as good as any other. It's a bit of a slow burn as you get used to Harry's idiosyncrasies and usual bugaboos (crypto, ai, elon, nuclear power, catholic church abuse, the army corps of engineers, etc.)
  9. dsavitsk

    Podcast Thread

    I have continuously not posted this on the incorrect belief that I already had. The single best podcast there is is Le Show by Harry Shearer. https://harryshearer.com/le-show/
  10. Fernando Valenzuela https://www.thenation.com/article/society/fernando-valenzuela-baseball-dodgers-obit/
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. Happy birthday
  13. dsavitsk


    Limp Bizkit’s fraud lawsuit rattles music industry: ‘These accusations are massive’ Band alleges that Universal Music Group owes it more than $200m after concealing royalties https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/oct/13/limp-bizkit-universal-music-group-lawsuit
  14. It's possible that the lens is sharper in the center and softer at the edges. If you are using a smaller projection with the smaller sensor you could be seeing only the sharper part.
  15. Yet Another iPhone, Dear God: What do you mean, you don’t need four studio-quality microphones? “What a remarkable day of announcements,” CEO Tim Cook said in conclusion, but I struggle to believe that he meant it. This was, let us be honest, merely a day of announcements.
  16. dsavitsk


    I wanna be top-rated: Ramones’ 20 greatest songs – ranked! Commence arguing.
  17. I love that the new added feature is the removal of the old feature. At least it's open source ... def IMG_PROC(self): pass
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