I got mine today and I really like it. I use it on my desktop and it sounds way better than the Asus Xonar Essence card that I have. Not bad at all. The volume knob is crap but I think I will just take the whole thing on the side of the computer and adjust volume through the PC.
I will order the Roxannes. Just waiting for the labor day sale. The tube amp comment was because I felt that the JH13 could use a bit more body as it sounded a bit thin to me (using an iPhone and compared to the Roxannes).
By "given the choice" I meant buying a new pair or iems. If I had the JH13 I wouldn't look for an upgrade.
I thought the JH16 sounded very boomy and overbloated to be honest. Maybe listening through the iPhone didnt help but that's how I am mostly going to use my headphones. The JH13 sounded balanced with nice details and separation. The Roxannes sounded fuller with a darker signature and they image a lot more like a pair of bigger headphones. Between the JH13 and the Roxannes I felt that the JH13 sounded a bit lean and with smaller headspace. I wouldn't mind either one but given the choice I think I would go for the Roxannes. I am sure the Jh13 sound even better in custom form and I think they would pair well with a tube amp even though that would defeat their purpose of portability. I should have listened to the JH5 as well but didnt get enough time.
I think the Laotian guy took my impressions so hopefully the fit wont be an issue.
Ok I visited today and had my impressions done. I auditioned JH13, JH16 and Roxanne and I liked Roxanne the most followed by JH13 and last by JH16. I think I will be ordering soon.
Should I take as an omen the fact that JH Audio HQ is at the town next to me and go for an audition? I guess I could have my impressions done there as well.
What is it that you didn't like about Fulcrums? I am looking at the c24s and to be honest I dont see the point. They seem to combine 2 different materials without the wheel actually being any lighter. God knows how the different materials are connected and how they will react under continuous breaking. At least the fulcrums have ceramic hubs and allow tubeless with no tape.
I have the Campy Shamal which are basically the same with Fulcrum Zeros besides the spoke design. They have proven to be a solid wheel for training. After 10k miles I still havent had any issues with alignment and has only one puncture with the tubeless tires. Not sure how they compare against the Shimanos though.