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Everything posted by SundayDuffer

  1. Yes, i have skimmed thru this site...but not thoroughly. Thankyou for pointing it out.
  2. ...avoid the void....
  3. Thanks.
  4. Thx..Deepak...Would you move the thread please? Thankyou.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqx55r7xI5I
  6. hahahahaha....lol.
  7. thankyou.
  8. I wouldnt dare to disgrace them...NO FLAMES.....hihihihi.
  9. Thankyou.
  10. huh?? Ok..all i want is to LEARN about cans, whether such can has good ratings, or bad ratings, what would complement best for such can or should i just skip such can for good..etc... Afterall, it's for my personal taste preference. Certainly, I can assure that NO FLAMES would come from me. And last but not least, I am not looking to date anyone on here nor to become best friends. Regards, SD
  11. Something i should know about? hihihi The W1000 was my first experience....and it was a world apart different from my cheapy in-ear that came with the iphone. Not confidence enuff to say that the w1000 is the best...cause i have not heard any else.
  12. Thankyou all for the welcomes. I have been reading up a lot lately on cans... here, head-fi, 6moons, moon-audio, headphile, lawton audio...and everywhere else. I am NOT new to the Tube Amplication world...But i am on cans. My set up consists of: Mastersound Reference 845 Sunfire Tube Preamp Shanling SCD-T200 Sacd/Cd tube player Sony SCD-1 Top Loader Sacd/Cd player Sony SCD-777es Top Loader Sacd/Cd player Speakers: HGP Fuga ST Tri-wire Power Cords: XLO, Zu, KimberKable Speaker Cable: KimberKable Trifocal XXL Interconnects: Synergistic Research, Tara Labs Reference, KimberKable Made a couple of buys on Cans and Access. AT Ath-W1000 AKG K701 Grado SR325i Denon A5000 Little Dot II with Mullard Tubes Creek OBH 11 Cardas mini to mini line out CMoy Only the W1000 and the Creek arrived...loving so far...cant wait til everything is here so that i can make the comparison. Anyhow, I will just keep on reading up...and hopefully will contribute to this great forum someday. Thanks again for the welcoming. SD
  13. pure silver mini to mini
  14. Just wanted to say HELLO. Fresh Off the Boat. Happy Listening. SD
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