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Everything posted by Deadneddz

  1. Hopefully the first batch will turn out solid. Although the HD800 for instance, had initial issues we are dealing with Stax not Sennheiser so i'm not sure how that factors in. The chassis design looks simple and sturdy so heres to hoping everything will turn out great. So Spritzer, can we count on you ripping these apart once you receive your set?
  2. Sorry I can't go in on the group buy for this right now, good luck Milos/Andy on your guy's search. And Elephas, if you happen to read this.....where are you?
  3. He probably should have said "was small"......
  4. Not bad, at least its closer to 4.5k rather than 6k! Oh the insanity of high-end headphones.... Can't wait to hear some impressions from the initial owners.
  5. Have a good one Al!
  6. Happy Birthday to the two of you!
  7. I wonder if the pics in the news release are of the finished product or not. Not sure why Stax abandoned the fixed O2 arc assembly(fit issues aside) and went with what looks like the same arc assembly on the current Lambda headphones.(plastic?) I'm hoping the SR-008 is reserved for a Stax Sigma style headphone in an O2 type chassis....one could only hope for a marvel such as that.
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday Nate!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy belated Birthday sir!
  13. Happy Birthday Gene!
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. Happy Birthday JP#'s!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. The strain relief looks like the functional MK2 version which is good news. The arc assembly does look like it could be very tall if its stretched out, so I can definitely picture how odd it might look on a person with a big head... I wonder if this is going to be a long stay production model or a limited series like the SR-Omega or 404LE? I'm also wondering where this one falls in the Stax headphone lineup since they aren't pulling the O2, I guess price-wise it suggests flagship.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday Hirsch!
  20. And for all of us addicted to Stax, it means however high they decide to set the price....we will pay.
  21. Happy Birthday to you guys!
  22. Happy Birthday to both of you!
  23. ^lol Yes, it does seem like a cross between the SR-Omega and SR-007, but I hope the arc assembly isn't negated by the way its coupled to the drivers. If they stick with that design, at least it will be more user friendly in fit. Either way its quite interesting, since the SR-007 was released in 1998,(if im not mistaken) so its been a little bit since the last TOTL model. Hurray for new circular Stax headphones!
  24. Wow nice! I have yet to hear the SR-Omega on a BH but from impressions, it seems that it is quite special. Same here, I rarely hear my O2 squeal, pretty much only if I squeeze on it. While KG's O2 at CJ was squealing like crazy. I couldn't even budge my head without it making noise. I wonder why sets differ like that?
  25. It's only natural.
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