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Everything posted by Deadneddz

  1. But keen of the HD800 avatar you are!
  2. Sounds pretty legit compared to some of the crap i've seen around here in my years. Some folks just leave out bowls and bowls of candy outside for kids to help themselves, unattended. "The nice ones still knock or say trick or treat or something," but many just greedily grab handfuls and run. "Earning" your sweets is not something many of these kids could comprehend, lol
  3. #2, that one makes me feel like I could actually be there. It looks sharper to me also, which makes me feel like I can see everything like it were real, instead of just looking at a picture. #1 seemed most realistic at first, but upon further gazing, its #2 that is best/most realistic for me.
  4. I always store mine either in a clear dust cover type bag, or put them in their case if unused for a while. The O2 is a solidly built phone, but as with any headphone you'll want to take extra precaution with the cable entry into the drivers. The MKI especially does not have an effective strain relief to support its heavy cable and with even minimal carelessness it can turn into failure. The cable seems too heavy. I feel like I always have to pick up the cable a couple feet from the strain reliefs to support it or else they'd snap right out of the cups just from the weight.
  5. I know i've only waited about a year so far for the BHSE, compared to some of you guys who have waited much longer, but I need to stop reading these kinds of posts. They really make it harder to wait much longer.
  6. Have never heard the ESP950, but from reading it sounds like it may be up your alley. Many of the current production stats will have excellent clarity and finesse compared to the HF2 and K701, two headphones that I do not feel are especially stong in the clarity department. Im not too sure about the impact, even with the KGSS, but I have to let the ESP950 owners answer that question.
  7. Do you have a preference for certain sound presentations? For example, do you like your sound to be very detailed? Delicate? Impactful? Ect....
  8. The Airbow SR-SC1 is a current production model?
  9. The face with the exclamation is too funny. I don't think I could watch this and not be somewhat humored every time.
  10. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll confirm the price once i'm charged for it. I did ask for them to give me the old drivers back, since they look to be in excellent condition still. Hopefully they will send them back.
  11. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Hmm... Thanks, they tend to go fast so im sure you'll have no problem. Their build quality is certainly questionable, and the pads are just terrible as you can see in the pictures. From what it seems, it looks like I may have some busted o-rings which is inevitable in the HE60 with age, but the driver elements are most likely perfectly functional. I've decided to just get new elements regardless, and have already sent the phones in today. Sennheiser is good at taking care of their customers, even those with discontinued products as in this case. Luckly spare parts are not too expensive, and I hope to have them up and running good as new soon enough.
  12. That post is truely worthy of some sort of hall of shame thread
  13. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Sorry to hear, hope you get better quick. Now hopefully Sennheiser will allow putting the HD650 headpad on them for me, I don't see why not. As for the earpads, not too sure. These stock HE60 pads really suck. I don't want to have this mess a little while from now. If I even place them down and lift them back up, theres tons of debris left from the pads:palm:
  14. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    I have on the headpad, and earpads. The headpad is $10.02 and the earpads are $56.23/pr. No price on the drivers yet... I definately wouldn't try HD6x0 earpads. I was talking about the HD 6X0 headpad, not earpads. Im sure the cloth HD6x0 earpads would completely ruin the sound.
  15. You're lucky you wern't driving a soft top, things might have been alot worse. Glad you came out relatively unscathed. Hope you're feeling alright now.
  16. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Thanks to the Craigslist ad Collin posted I got a super deal on a pair of HE60's that I couldn't pass up. Met up with the guy locally and the transaction went super smooth. It was interesting, I asked him why he wanted to sell them, and he said that he has a pair of Stax Lambdas (didn't ask what model) and that his older brother whom he got this HE60 from actually owns 3 more. So he had 4 HE60s at one point! When he said this I immediately wondered how many HE60s were made in the first place. Poor sap said he never heard the HE60 from any other amp other than the HEV70. The phones came in the condition that it was described. From my inspection this pair seems to be in perfect condition sans the pads, which are replaceable. Couldn't even find a single scratch on the phone itself. I decided to snap a couple pics before I send them in to Sennheiser tomorrow: Other than the obvious pad deterioration, I noticed something strange in the left driver. Here is a pic of the right driver which looks totally normal to me: And here is the pic of the left driver, its hard to see but you may notice a black line that curves downward, starting from the left side in the middle, you need to move back from your monitor a couple feet from where you are now to really see it: I'm guessing that its a piece of the o-ring that fell apart? Not exactly sure though, and I don't want to rip this thing apart. I'm was going to have Sennheiser replace the drivers anyways, but i'm really not even sure if I should or if it would be worth it, since these most likely work perfectly fine. I'm also going to ask them if it would be possible to put the HD650 headpad on them instead of the incredibly flakey HE60 one. The pads on the HE60s are a really sorry excuse for leather. Now only to somehow find better earpads? After I get them back from Sennheiser, i'm going to have them Stax 5pin reterminated and then i'll be able to finally flip them Waddouche style listen to them.
  17. I never understood the problem with the O2 squeal. You guys must headbang alot more than me when you listen to music on them.
  18. I'm sure you won't be saying that if you accidentally step on your MK1 cable while wearing them and they detach from the housing.
  19. Happy Birthday Peter!
  20. Happy Birthday Vicki!
  21. haha, I admit to doing this with my UE-11s and O2s before I had an amp to power them....I shook my head and promptly put the O2s back in their flight case, one of the dorkiest things i've done.
  22. I like that pic of the guy wearing the LCD-2. I must say the headband looks pretty funky and theres definately a grado thing going on there with the sliders. I'm really interested in how these sound. Thanks for the impressions Sherwood, anyone else?
  23. Are you talking about the LCD-2? They do look very nice.
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