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Everything posted by Deadneddz

  1. Beautiful place to spend a Thanksgiving.
  2. This thing is going to kick major ass! Hard work well rewarded. Theres got to be a way to make this whole amp silver. At least for Spritzers sake. He did after all hunt down this unicorn in the first place.
  3. Deadneddz

    Canjam 2010.

    I'm definately going. Probably going to fly in a day before the main event, which also happens to be my birthday. I have no idea if there will be a pre-meet in Chicago the night before, but LA had one so it's probably likely there will be one in Chicago also. Canjam at LA was awesome this year, so I can't imagine missing the big one if I don't have a good reason too.
  4. Happy Birthday John! Hope you have a great one!
  5. I owned the 5.5g video which had the Imod. It was better for me because many times I ended up using just the headphone out for listening with my UE11s. Carrying around a portable amp with cable just wasn't convenient all the time. With the 4g imod'ed however you do have to consider that it can never be used as a standalone unit. But at that point I guess you can just pick up your 5.5g. "Everyone" has joined the JH13 ranks, as i've departed from my journey with custom iems.(UE11/ES3X) Its interesting, but i'm glad most are enjoying their experience with these marvelous little inventions.
  6. drool......at the lobster reuben.
  7. Leona Lewis - Echo (Elephas approved:D) Her cds are quite good. She has a powerful voice with incredible vocal range.
  8. Don't listen to Elephas, hes just being a troll. Im sure hes very happy with his system, and is just trying to pretend he actually wants something he does not have....ah what the hell, feed the troll! Buy the WES Elephas! Buy! Buy! Buy! He has one also. Spritzer has a different one.
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Alison Krauss & Union Station - New Favorite
  11. lol, how the heck do you already have the Echo album? As far as I know its not going to release until tomrrow, and thats in the UK where shes actually from. I'm going out to buy it for my gf(she loves Leona Lewis) on the 17th but I will take a quick listen when she opens it.
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Im not sure in Larry's case if Sennheiser USA had the HE60 drivers in stock. But as of now they are back ordered pending 4-6 weeks shipping time from Sennheiser in Germany. From waiting for the HEV70 that Jim sent to Sennheiser for me, to possibly having to order driver units from across the seas, it does not look like this repair will be timely at all me thinks.
  14. Im in.
  15. Luckily for me I had those kinds of thoughts before I even knew what planars were....much less evil. Curiosity kills your wallet as well as the cat!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Thanks for the offer. I don't think i'll be bringing the HE60. Its either going to stay at Sennheiser until an HEV70 comes to test it with, or its going to be repaired with or without replacement drivers and that will probably take longer then the time until the meet. Side note:Big ups to Morphsci for offering to lend his HEV70 to me. Thanks a ton Jim!
  18. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Yup, thats what i've been told...total fail.
  19. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    Damn, i'm told they need the HEV70 to test the drivers and I do not have one.
  20. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    That makes sense indeed. I'll ask them today to check the drivers and see if they are still in spec. Maybe I can save a half grand, if not i'll probably bite the bullet and replace the drivers.
  21. Deadneddz

    Baby O

    I received an email today from Sennheiser with a quote for the repairs, and the price for the drivers is not what I expected. Here is a breakdown of what I received in reference for any owners interested in current prices for parts and labor for the HE60: HD650, headband cushion(I opted for this instead of the flakey HE60 one): 7.69 HE60, elec. transducer(1 pair): 453.92 HE60 earcushion(1 pair): 56.23 O-rings(1 pair): 7.80 Labor fee: 100.00 in my case. Also for some reason on top of the 453.92 for the drivers, they are charging 51.53 for "non stock repair part." Im not sure if this is because the item is in backorder and needs to be shipped from Germany, but i'm going to check back with them. So it's going to be more than five hundred just for the drivers, which is different from what some HE60 owners have told me they payed for. Im having second thoughts about replacing the drivers. I know I need new o-rings, but do any HE60 owners/previous owners have advice as to if I should even bother replacing the drivers? This is really quite expensive to replace a part that is probably in perfect working condition.
  22. I'll give you my quick impressions on the T1, having lived with it for sometime. My source is very musically lively. It has very bold voicing, not laid back at all, but quite refined. It is still pretty neutral imo, maybe perhaps slightly tipped toward the treble if you want to be critical. So take this into consideration depending on your source. The T1 is a capable amp for driving Stax headphones, although I think its definately more suited for anything outside the Omega line. Dynamic levels and overall clarity are good around 9-9:30 on the attenuator. In my experience this amp is best listened to between 9 and 10 o'clock. Anything past this and you will start to notice considerable dynamic compression, and listening fatigue will set in quickly. If you know what the O2 is capable of, you'll know that it likes to be cranked up higher. When you crank up the volume on the O2 the sound transitions from being able to "just hear" the vast soundstage layering, and minute textural details to being able to really "feel" the almost palpable qualities of these characteristics. Reaching a hint of this stage, quantum wise is possible with the T1, but the problem is that the dynamic compression causes too much fatigue and distortion at this high SPL. You may get a taste of the dynamic range that O2s are capable of, but you cannot listen to it for long. This is where a BH comes into play or any amp that is capable of controlling the diaphram of the O2s properly at high volumes. With the T1, the treble and bass output are limited at normal hearing levels. The treble in my rig is lacking quantity wise, but is of very good quality(perhaps source related.) I can hear treble that is "finer than silk", but I definately cannot feel it. Same goes with the bass but to add to that, it is also slightly uncontrolled compared to a BH for example. If I could sum up my experience with the T1 driving the O2s, I would say that listening to music with the T1 is like peering through a very clean glass door at a live venue. I can easily see and hear the performance going on, and in good accuracy, but cannot feel the performance. A better amp will allow you to open those doors to "feel" and be absorbed in the performance without any barriers(glass doors.) Glad you like the Koss also, which is another reason that I need to hear an ESP950, especially since a BH is imminently in my future. Aww, it makes me sad that I do not have the time to fly over to hang out and listen to gear with everyone in Florida. I guess its another reminder that I will have to wait until Canjam in Chicago before I get another opportunity to do so.
  23. I need to hear the esp950, they seem well regarded. Im not a fan of any of the Lambdas, but then again I haven't heard the Airbow SR-SC1, 404LE, and never on a BH, Koss included.
  24. No, local deal from an ad posted in Craigslist.
  25. Sennheiser HE60
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