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Everything posted by Deadneddz

  1. Touche. Congratulations sir!
  2. Forget the CLX and the rubbish audiophile talk:D, the MBL 101s are at 2:16 on this clip. My god, you can hear the insane dynamics through the microphone. I wish I could be there to listen.
  3. Suprisingly no. Even after I switched the tubes most channels were within +/- .5V from zero or less. One channel was fluctuating around +1.6V but thats about it. Very strange, i'm still listening to my O2 right now and when I press pause it does not emit that sound anymore.
  4. Gold Encore Series - The World Of Contemporary Jazz Groups
  5. New Avantgarde G2 speaker line pron for Deepak:
  6. Ok, being the impatient bastard that I am, I switched the tubes to the opposite channels, and biased the amp. Stopped the music with the O2 on my head and that sound is gone completely. I don't hear it anymore in any channel. Strange, but so far it seems like the tubes were the culprit.
  7. Hmm maybe, it is a different SRM-T1 than the one I recently parted with. And its been coming up since i've been using this one I have right now. I don't have any experience with tube microphonics, so I couldn't really say if I thought it was or wasn't. All I know is that the sound is so slight that i'm confusing it for my hair settling against the leather pads once I have the phones in a "set" position on my head. But this sound is only coming from the right channel, so i'm not imagining it. This is definately not worthy of dismantling the black plate and cleaning the driver for particles, but i'm just curious if anyone has heard something similar.
  8. There seems to be a very very slight noise coming from the right channel on my O2. Its nothing like the squeal from dust getting into a Lambda or HE60 both of which I have had experience with. It kind of sounds like if you were to push a lens brush(or your own short hair) against the leather pads and the bristles would pop out. But the sound is extremely quiet and they come in small series of crackles and static. I checked the connections to the amp and its not the connectors. Wiggling the right channel cable doesn't make the sounds appear, so i'm hopeful that it is not cable failure. My set is barely used and in 9/10 condition. Plus I just got a SRE-725. Anyone have any experience with these kind of small noises?
  9. Susan would like a new electrostat please.....pretty please...
  10. Took some pics, but seem to have misplaced my camera cord. I'll upload them as soon as I find it.
  11. My girlfriend suprised me with this: Cable detachment.....I no longer phear you.
  12. ^Well that gives me something to look forward to. Although terribly flawed, I absolutely loved the HE60 with the HEV70 in my system. Your HEV70 at that.
  13. Sarah McLachlan - Afterglow
  14. Magico's new Q5
  15. I like the color as well. It looks very similar to the my former UE11s. When I went to the UE headquarters to get them, I went into their mixing room and they mixed up different colors for me. I ended up choosing a color that was almost the exact color as those. Aww I miss custom iems...
  16. Although their price may be "relatively tame," its most likely the associated equipment to drive/complete the system that will kill you, as well as having a room large enough to accommodate some of the speakers posted here. Regardless of that thought, this thread is a good reason to sway me into never having children. Wayne owning the MBL101e's is all the proof I need for that theory.
  17. When I saw this thread, I mistook it for this:elusivedisc(which I just recently came across) "Obvious gains in clarity, transparency, dynamics and warmth of XRCD can be heard by all!":D
  18. Deadneddz

    Magnepan 1.7

    Looks like they are updating their homepage already for the 1.7. So maybe we'll see these soon. MG 1.6 - Magnepan, Inc.
  19. Has anyone heard the MBL 101E? I'd be very curious as to how they would sound with their onmi directional dispersion. I think they look like art.
  20. Halo 3:ODST - Original Soundtrack
  21. Deadneddz

    Magnepan 1.7

    Intersting, a three-way from Magnepan. I have to audition Magnepan speakers again, as the one and only time I auditioned them they sounded terrible. I have to say it was probably the way they were setup. They were put up right against a wall and I don't think the tweeters were positioned correctly either. The combination produced muddy diffused sound with little detail and that seems to be exactly the opposite of some peoples opinions of these speakers.
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Lol at the "1 laserdisc." I remember the first time I ever saw one. It was in a 6th grade french class and the teacher pulled one out and everyone was shocked at its sheer size.
  24. Dean Martin - Dino:The Essential Dean Martin
  25. Whats with all this vinyl talk everywhere I turn....my curiosity just cannot take it.
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