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Everything posted by jvlgato

  1. Congrats on the media room!
  2. Fauré Requiem
  3. I might start calling it the naamanhattan.
  4. Rittenhouse manhattan
  5. Pretty exciting, Al! Did you trail behind them and pick up some cash?
  6. Good luck, Wonder Woman!
  7. This was on tap at a local pub. But I did think the head was excessive.
  8. Porterhouse Wrasslers XXXX Stout
  9. ^This. Nice score! Let us know how you like them!
  10. Hello, icky!
  11. Drove to small town Wisconsin last night to bring the kids to their Nana and Papa's place. Anne and I will have today and tomorrow to ourselves to celebrate our 12th anniversary, which is tomorrow. We'll drive to Madison today, hang out there, maybe go to the New Glarus brewery for their Oktoberfest and tour, then go to a nice dinner tonight at http://www.harvest-restaurant.com, then Sunday brunch at http://www.sardinemadison.com. Have to add that this is a pretty happy household because the Brewers clinched last night!
  12. My Chicago HC brother and mentor, CJ organizer, proud papa, morphology expert, cocktail wizard ... I wish you a great and wonderful birthday!
  13. I saw Edgar Meyer play with Chris Thile in a very small local university venue here a few years ago. Very nice concert - Thile is just an incredible mandolin player, and Meyer pretty much kept up with him musically ... maybe not in stage presence and personality, but musically he did.
  14. Was it proven that they are evil? Or are they just protecting their giant alien catfish eggs, or maybe they didn't even notice there was a ship present when they swam by with their giant space catfish fins and whiskers? Are you evil when you step on an ant and didn't even notice it?
  15. Well, I supposed I shouldn't tease you then. Not boring at all, that's great stuff! I'm amazed at what you do as a 'side project'! Maybe your research will explain why every now and then a ship just gets demolished for no apparent reason out of the blue?!
  16. Sounds like an interesting paper! I skipped my fluid mechanics course in college, and now wish I hadn't. Oh well, waaay too late now! How would you do this, do you get some real data then use computer modeling from there? And do rouge waves wear red make- up?
  17. Yeah, I've pretty much given up on finding what you're looking for in Windows. I back up important files I'm actively using with Dropbox, have photos, music and such on a RAID of some sort on a NAS, contacts and calendar are on the Google server, but also downloaded into Dropbox regularly, and I just accept that I'll have to reinstall everything else if my computer dies. I agree with you that something should be out there that does what you want, and does it well. I haven't found it, yet. I've been watching this thread hoping someone else will enlighten me! I will say that Dropbox has been extremely useful for most of what I want for file backup and access across multiple platforms.
  18. @dreadhead, Wow! Congrats! That sounds like a big deal! Plus, you get to go to Sweden! @wmmcmanus, glad you're alive and well again! That's a long time to not sleep or breathe!
  19. My Dad used to do that. Pretty good, actually!
  20. Congrats! That ought to be a really nice rig!
  21. Blah. Hope you feel better, Shelly. Hope it's a short sickness. I prescribe lots of rest, chicken soup, and some good music. Oh, and some would say whiskey and honey!
  22. jvlgato

    R.I.P. R.E.M.

    End of an era
  23. Noted, thanks!
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