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Everything posted by jvlgato

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. Dude, you have the gf. Get creative!
  3. Yeah, and I can't believe he didn't tell us about it! We were in the area this weekend!
  4. My brother in law's article from this weekend: http://thirdcoastdigest.com/2012/02/all-things-bacon-unite-at-harley-davidson-museum/
  5. Yeah. I'm ready for an update.
  6. Congrats, nice ending. Now, be sure you know all the rules from now on!!! This is the most important thing ... don't forget that!
  7. Tour of the Great Lakes Distillery in Milwaukee. Then a day and overnight at the Kohler American Club and dinner at the Immigrant Room while the kids and dogs are at the grandparents! Late Valentines Day gift.
  8. I still have an image in my head of when she first debuted. Oh well, would still like to hear her live some time for her voice. And regarding Somewhere Over The Rainbow, I really like that CD in which she includes herself singing that when she was a little kid. Pretty gutsy.
  9. Mike, how was Jane? I totally have a crush on her. Plus I really love her voice! Did she ask about me? CJ, your ta's attitude is total bullshit. Sorry to say it, but unfortunately, yes, I have dealt with that type of arbitrary bullshit numerous times in my career. It was the primary attitude in most of the pre-med classes, and most of the med school classes in my day. It was the source of my biggest pains and failures in my training. I even failed one clinical rotation because one 2nd year resident hated me and single handedly was able to fail me with one bad evaluation. It was thought to filter out the weak and encourage only the best, but it also encouraged a lousy bedside manner and the biggest of asshats into the field. Fortunately, that attitude (I thought) has mostly changed. It's still around, but mostly discourage now. Even in my hospital, where I have seen that attitude a lot in the past, I see less and less of those types of people, and more and more of nice, interesting, and collaborative people. I know it's on purpose, because I've read articles about the need change how we recruit and train doctors. And sat in meetings where we discuss this or that person being smart, but what an ass ... I wouldn't want to work with that, lets not hire that person. I have even seen that type of person be demoted or fired! So, to answer your question, yes you will see that throughout your training and your real life, but hopefully less and less over time. Did you hear back from your Dean?
  10. Happy belated birthday, Al!
  11. Happy belated! Somehow I missed every birthday in the last week! Sorry!
  12. Happy very late birthday!
  13. Domo arigato!! Happy belated birthday!
  14. Yay! Congrats Ryan!
  15. Abacus? Good luck, CJ. Let us know what happens. I can see not allowing calculators for a math test, but for chemistry or biology? If you're smart enough to figure out how to program the thing to actually help you, you're smart enough to do well on the test. Seems like with all the time it would take figuring out how to use the calculator for chemistry, you'd be better off just studying.
  16. Heh. If anyone should have flunked Orgo, it was me. 180% yield? Obviously a major lab fuck up on my part. They had mercy on me and took off points, but didn't fail me. CJ, approach your dean, why not? Nothing to lose in trying. Just be really nice about it, explain your side of it, show him all three calculators, throw yourself at his mercy, say that you don't think your scores will reflect fairly on your knowledge or preparation, you had no intention to cheat and you'd really appreciate the chance to take it under whatever rules he sets. My guess is, your ta mumbled under his breath, something about calculators once, after class was over, on the one day you didn't stay late. More likely, he took a disliking to you for some reason. If you really want to go to med school, you'll face similar situations a hundred more times. I know I did. I won some, I lost some. Was treated fairly at times, unfairly at times. Eh, forget the med school part ... probably the same thing for anyone who has lived long enough. Good luck!
  17. This, except 27 years ago. The only cool thing was when I created matter. CJ, just do your best, the greatest consolation I can give you is that you'll never see it again the rest of your life.
  18. Get better soon, Mikey! My evening isn't complete if I haven't seen what you drank! Nate, that is just stunningly beautiful!
  19. This!
  20. Congrats, Mike!
  21. Someone should make a backpack harness for that Duracell Powerpack. And a cart to wheel around a larger battery for when the Duracell Powerpack needs a charge. Jim's method makes a lot of sense. Although I think I may have to get an iPad3 then.
  22. Thanks, Brent and Shelly! I'm convinced now that the screen should be fine. I thought the battery was ok until Shelly wrote. JK ... I do want something I can easily carry everywhere and can run Lion, Win7, and Win XP. It is amazing that something that size could do all this. I guess battery life is the compromise. I'll probably end up keeping a bigger laptop around to have on my desktop and as a backup, but we'll see.
  23. I've played with the MBA 11" at the store, and the keyboard felt fine. I was worried more about living with the screen, because next to all the other computers around, it seemed so much smaller (because it IS smaller!). But living with it and looking at it regularly, I wondered if one would adjust to it and it would be fine after an adjustment period. It sounds like that has been the case for Dan and Jim. Then there's the battery life, but the fact that no one even mentions it tells me it's been a non-issue. I have an extra 15" flat screen monitor that I am using as a second monitor for the current PC laptop that I can use if I find the need. I'd love the Thunderbolt display, but not for $1000, maybe later when/if the price comes down. I'd probably go with the 11", live with it for a bit, then decide later if I want to get rid of the current laptop PC. Thanks for all the help!
  24. Thanks for your help, fellas! CJ, thanks for the tip, I'll look into that if I buy. I'm leaning toward the 11", because I really think what I want is portability. I thought maybe I'd sell off my old computers, but I'm thinking now that I'd get the MBA 11" as my mobile solution, and keep my current laptop to use as a desktop solution.
  25. I think mine does. At work now, but IIIRC, I see file type, word bit length, and sampling rate. I always set to native, but usually pick apodizing over auto, though have spent a fair amount of time on auto, so probably would have noticed it if it wasn't there.
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