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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jvlgato

  1. Dammit! Maybe if I buy some used Staxen, I can get some bakery on the side?
  2. That looks awesome! I meant to PM you after talking to Kevin last weekend. Is that possible only for special Mafioso, or can a regular guy like me order something too?
  3. Wow, a scholarship!?!?! Great news! Congrats. Not too shabby for a guy with 'average' Biology scores!
  4. Yeah, there's some nasty stuff out there! Can't wait to hear his stories if he goes back to med school! There's this thing called med school disease, in which the student thinks he has whatever disease he's learning about. We all get varying degrees of it. Then laugh about how goofy we all are.
  5. Builds up the immune system.
  6. sushi. Forgot the unagi. Must fix.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Oh, sad. RIP!
  9. Carl, that’s shockingly good news. I’ve hated almost every cell company I’ve had, and am a poster boy for churn. I liked Sprint when I lived in the city in a building which had their towers on top of it. When we moved to the ‘burbs, I got zero signal. I was able to break my contract based on this. Went to Nextel, which I was happy with for once, until … they were bought by Sprint a few months later. I broke my contract again, went with Tmo which had good customer svc, but terrible signal strength, which I tolerated for a few years. I finally found a company I liked 2 months ago when I went with US Cellular. Great signal, great customer service, all signs were for upgrade to LTE at the end of the year, their LTE was great in Wisconsin when I was there. And … I just read that they just sold their Chicago market to … Sprint. WTF??!?! So I’m convinced my destiny is to fight with Sprint. I’m already looking for reasons to break my contract when the deal goes through next summer. But the more I read, the more it looks like they recently have committed to and received funding for improved infrastructure and improved technology. And maybe customer service??? I’m thinking I’ll stick it out and see what they are like after the switch. Maybe third time’s the charm.
  10. Aaaah! Horrible! Agree on the human babies. Have you ever seen one being delivered? Just awful. Not just ugly, but fluids of all sorts and excrement everywhere. Screaming hysterics of a woman in horrible pain ... Yeah, I knew OB wasn't my gig after delivering just one baby.
  11. Wow, that really sucks. I ordered a gift for my wife from Red Envelope. Same deal ... empty opened box on my porch. I called Red Envelope and they sent another one immediately, gratis. I don't think they're obligated, though. Otherwise I could easily say something is stolen whenever I wanted, and get another one for free. But I'd bought a lot of stuff from Red Envelope without incident prior to that. I'd think filing a police report for theft then trying to collect from insurance (either delivery service or home or credit card) is the more typical route.
  12. Jacob, please open a restaurant. Jeffy, maybe you can be sous chef. Mikey, whiskey sommelier. I'd eat there every damn night.
  13. Agree ... 52 is getting younger and younger to these eyes. Sorry for the bad news. Reks, looked at that menu, it looks delicious!
  14. Wow, CJ. That's amazing! Perhaps you need to be an SAT tutor instead of going med school!?
  15. Dragged the fake tree down from the attic and decorated. Now going to tea with Santa. Our local one, not the HC one. Good family time!
  16. Really? RAM is a pretty inexpensive upgrade, and I seem to remember some folks running Parallels ok on the Air. Though can't remember who ... maybe I dreamt it.
  17. In
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Pretty pink! I wish we could all sign it!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Wow, that looks really good! I perused those recipes. They look like a ton of work, but really amazing!
  22. Grilled salmon over risotto
  23. How did that Modernist Cuisine Tgiving dinner turn out?
  24. Happy Bday, my man! I'll buy you one Sunday!
  25. jvlgato


    Thanks! I was planning to not use an external amp. Glad to know it works ok that way. Nice, Mike!
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