Carl, that’s shockingly good news.
I’ve hated almost every cell company I’ve had, and am a poster boy for churn. I liked Sprint when I lived in the city in a building which had their towers on top of it. When we moved to the ‘burbs, I got zero signal. I was able to break my contract based on this. Went to Nextel, which I was happy with for once, until … they were bought by Sprint a few months later. I broke my contract again, went with Tmo which had good customer svc, but terrible signal strength, which I tolerated for a few years. I finally found a company I liked 2 months ago when I went with US Cellular. Great signal, great customer service, all signs were for upgrade to LTE at the end of the year, their LTE was great in Wisconsin when I was there. And … I just read that they just sold their Chicago market to … Sprint. WTF??!?! So I’m convinced my destiny is to fight with Sprint. I’m already looking for reasons to break my contract when the deal goes through next summer.
But the more I read, the more it looks like they recently have committed to and received funding for improved infrastructure and improved technology. And maybe customer service??? I’m thinking I’ll stick it out and see what they are like after the switch. Maybe third time’s the charm.