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Everything posted by jvlgato

  1. Ditto that! Hard to believe they're good for you!
  2. Oh ...... my ....... god. This is the most amazingly amazing Scotch. It is so smooth, rich and complex. And the port finish really gives it such a nice touch of sweetness ... just incredible! Jeff, thank you so much for this. I really love it. You made my holiday. Edit: Dammit. Now I don't want to brush my teeth. It'll make the awesome flavor go away.
  3. Wow! Jeff, this is excellent! I was thinking I needed to add to my single malt scotch collection but didn't know what to get. This fits the bill just perfectly! Thanks!
  4. Jeff, so glad you like it! To be honest, I got all that stuff from two stores within a mile of each other. So don't give me too much credit! But they are some if my faves! I've been a good boy so far and have been able to restrain myself from opening mine. I'm sure it's going to be awesome!
  5. Congrats Jeffy!
  6. One of the kids knocked over a floor lamp a few years ago and the CF bulb in it smashed into a hundred pieces. So, no more CF bulb in any socket remotely reachable by kids. They seem to be ok. The third eye that developed on their foreheads has receded and is hardly noticeable any more!
  7. Thanks! I use a Peugeot and am happy with it. I bought the sample pack from Pepper Passion and am still working my way through them. Good stuff!
  8. I hope you enjoy them, Jeff! Did they all survive the trip? I couldn't find a shipping box that I loved. I got yours today ... I don't think I can wait till Christmas!
  9. Haha. There you go ... I'd be ok w/ that.
  10. Ive been told that our suburban but close to the city school (the high school but not the elementary) has a police officer stationed at the school and has metal detectors in the entrances. Kind of makes me sad. And can't I,aging every school in the country an do this. Regarding mental health ... everyone agrees we should improve the system to help the mentally ill. However, who pays for that is a legitimate problem. Public funding has been reduced, and multiple state hospitals and community health centers have been closed here. Private insurances have traditionally limited coverage for mental health for years, and only recently has there been required equity for mental health insurance coverage if a large company offers health insurance. Small companies are excluded. And the mental health equity act was an uphill battle for years. It only got slipped in as a part of another larger act (can't remember which). It's too expensive, says the insurance companies. And they have to offer reasonable rates to businesses. Also, in terms of forcing treatment, that is very difficult, First off, guys like this just don't come in for help. I've hardly ever see these folks in my office. If they come, they are brought in by a parent or spouse, then they sit there and don't speak. If I suggest a medication or more intense therapy, they decline. They stop coming in after a few visits, saying it's worthless or ok, I went, are you happy? Forced hospitalization is very difficult. They can simply deny having any harmful thoughts, and even if we hospitalize against their will, we have 5 days to obtain clear evidence of dangerousness. Again, they sit quietly for a few days, then we have to release them. That's just how the laws are set up, at least in IL. Just as the argument for and against gun control is complicated and heated, there are very complicated factors and strong opinions on either side of the forced treatment for the mentally ill issue. Individual rights to choose treatment or not, the right to not be locked up against your will, these are very emotional and complex issues. I get phone calls all the time from concerned family members saying their loved one isn't acting right. But he isn't saying he is suicidal or homicidal ... just acting funny, isolating, irritable, really quiet, not himself ... but refuses to get help or see anyone. No one can force that person into treatment, and again, if they are talked into coming, they sit there and don't follow your recommendations. So it's great to say let's improve mental health treatment, but that is just as complicated as let's control weapons.
  11. Al, that takes a lot of guts ... but the right thing to do. I am required ethically and legally to do the same if I had such information. Are teachers not bound by the same requirements?
  12. Very difficult topic. I see both sides ... as others have said, I'm not a gun person, but understand others' interest and right to own one. I thought this was a pretty nice start to a discussion of both sides. http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/18/the-weapons-continuum/?hp
  13. Really good response, Dusty! It'll probably accidentally end up in Erick's Junk Mail box ...
  14. Yes No Other
  15. I got a 13" Air to replace my wife's Dell last year, and it's worked out well for her. A bit of an adjustment going to Mac OS, bu not terrible. The size has been great for her, she says she's hardly aware of carrying a computer ... and the lack of required tech support from me has been swell.
  16. Would consider Indian people to be Asian? I always had, but could be cultural wrong on that. Well, if nothing else, we could hire each other for our families. And of course, stay on the lookout for the above noted games ...
  17. That would be really cool! Maybe KG can get it done. I do recall that there's a small stone with hundreds of layers of paint (mostly purple, I think?) which over the years has grown from the paint to the size of a boulder. Could just be an urban myth, though. Santa, please keep us informed of Cayman boobie cocoon. Preferably with pics. Followed by instructions on how to start up my own Santa gig. I'm sure there's a big demand for Asian Santas.
  18. The color of my alma mater Northwestern! Go Purple!
  19. ^Truth. I like my secret agent / shrink pairing. I'll need to think carefully about this ... hmmmm .... (rubs goatee that doesn't exist)
  20. Awesome daughter! I bet she'll do fine. Anne is very non-technical. She switched from Windows to a MBA last year. Mild adjustment and very little help from me since.
  21. Grilled Portobello with caramelized onions, greens, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Then pasta with duck, mix of mushrooms and spinach. Pretty darn good for delivery! Edit: Now caramel apple pie.
  22. Tapatalk working for me! Thanks! I've really missed it!
  23. I definitely underestimated the mafia ...
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