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Everything posted by jvlgato

  1. Wow! And I just got a MyTouch 4g. Probably doesn't have the ATT frequencies, though. And they'll probably jack up my price. And stop allowing UMA. And give worse customer service. But I can get an iPhone! But not for two years.
  2. jvlgato

    Audeze LCD-2

  3. OMG! He posted a link to an outside forum! You're going to be shocked at what happens to people who try to disseminate useful information around here!
  4. jvlgato

    Audeze LCD-2

    Nice, Ryan! I always enjoy and trust your reviews.
  5. Had a flight of beers, each chosen to pair with the course of the meal. What a nice meal. I wish more places would do this!
  6. So blow jobs CAN get a girl pregnant!? Oh no! Just kiddin' . I get what you're saying, and would agree.
  7. Attending a continuing education conference yesterday and today in Madison, WI. Whole lotta protestin' goin' on around here ...
  8. Cool user name! Are you a military shrink or sumethin'? A neuron? Oh yeah, what the others said. Assuming you're allowed to have sealed cans while serving? Can't hear anything around you at all ...
  9. Yeah, this is all porn to me.
  10. When I was living in Chicago's boy's town, I was once actually approached by a man who said, 'I'll give you 50 bucks to let me suck your dick.' I was so stunned, that all I could think to say was, ' uh, no thank you!' Not a bad deal, really. Just didn't seem so appealing to me. Kinda wish it was, I was very single at the time. Never got hit on so much as when I lived in boys town! Never repulsed by it, it was kinda flattering, really. Just not interested. Why doesn't the world work in such a way that women walk up to me with such offers?
  11. Yay! My alma mater #2. Hated it there. But great sports.
  12. How did you manage to get to her computer and mess up her Outlook program, right before the interview, without being detected?
  13. Sounds great, Jacob and Bryan! Good luck to you both!
  14. Politics are fine, as long as you pay your money. Besides, there's the spices and the tobacco place downtown, and I'd add to that, the olive oil/balsamic vinegar tasting place in my 'hood.
  15. Next time you're in town, you'll have to come over!
  16. This arrived yesterday. You all have sure taught me how to drink!
  17. Paul Stanley of KISS? If you were playing KISS through that KGSS, I think I know what destroyed that amp now.
  18. I'd guess it was the Rockford Files reference that tipped off your advanced age. I lollered when I read that, but then I'm almost as ancient as you are.
  19. 30-35% IIRC when I was in school way back when. Maybe it's changed since then, and of course, difficult to quantify accurately. BTW y'all are just great and have the best attitudes about this. It's so refreshing to see this from a pretty diverse group of people around the world. I once got fired by a female patient because I gently disagreed with her about her husband being gay. Yes, they had marital problems, yes, he had some unusual fetishes (whips, chains, spanking, cross dressing), yes these things made it difficult for her in bed with him. But he had a sexual preference for women. He is not gay. I tried to direct her to talk about improving their relationship regardless, but she was hell bent on making me say that he was gay, that she married a gay man, and that is what's ruining their marriage. I guess that was the only way she could view their problems. She finally left angrily mid-visit, incensed and amazed at my incompetence. She said she couldn't continue to see me in light of such a fundamental difference in thinking.
  20. Happy Bday, HPA, and congrats on your kids' awards!
  21. Duvel. In a Duvel glass laser etched with a D on the bottom to keep the head up. (Insert joke here) Kinda cool.
  22. Did you see my post a few months ago about the class action lawsuit for that NVIDIA integrated video chip that keeps overheating? I'll see if I can find it again. Edit: Found it: 'FYI, if you are having or have had video problems with your MBP purchased between May 2007 and Sep 2008, there is a pending class action lawsuit likely to be settled by NVIDIA on Dec 20, 2010. There is an issue regarding overheating and related video card (GPU) failures. You may be entitled to reimbursement or replacement. I recently got Dell to replace my D630 for ongoing problems likely related to this. The NVIDIA GPU Litigation - Home Page ' http://www.nvidiasettlement.com/index.html Oh, damn, it looks like you just missed the claim date. And now I don't see MBP as being listed. But I'm certain listed it was in December. I believe it was the Nvidia NVS135M chip. If yours has this, you could still easily find stuff all over the web referencing overheating problems with this chip, and maybe get a sweet deal from Apple? This thing fried my motherboard or neighboring chips 3 separate times in 2 years, and Dell replaced my laptop for free.
  23. Our king is a merciful king.
  24. Ouch. That would suck. Every time I've been interviewed for jury duty, one of the interviewing lawyers literally laughs out loud when I tell him I'm a psychiatrist, pauses to catch his breathe, says thank you, and next thing I know, I'm excused. Can't I just be permanently banned from jury duty for being a shrink, so I don't have to sit in a crowded room all day just to be excused upon interview?
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