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Everything posted by CarlSeibert

  1. Thank you Dan! And for the record, I thought calling out Tyll a la the Stupefying Randy or whoever that fuck is and Mikey Fremer was one of the douchey-est moves ever. I've seen some lame shit - actually I see lame shit every day - but that was breathtaking.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. ....from our online producer. Yes, it's a bit of a slow night. This just in - iPad app for cats http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sfl-paint-for-cats-app-video,0,4719896.story I think Jazz and Enigma would actually like this, but I'm not quite ready to buy them an iPad.
  4. I vote malware, too. For what it's worth my password method is to take a word or phrase that can't be uttered in a corporate environment (you can guess what kind might qualify), hash it in some easy to remember way like first letter of the first word, second letter of the second word or whatever, replace "two" and "for" with numerals, and you have a password that looks really random, is usually really easy for you to remember and is hard to sosh. We have to change our passwords every 90 days. Without a scheme like that, I would never be able to remember the damn things and would have to resort to something like most of our users use - some weak-ass word with a number that increments every ninety days. If I have to give my password to a support tech or something, it usually takes two or three repetitions and unless he's writing it down (which is a firing offense for our techs) I feel pretty comfortable that he won't remember anything. So I don't have to use that thingie from Men in Black on him. Now if CJ can remember his childhood Windows 98 key, he's on another plane altogether and is a very scary person.
  5. That amp is gorgeous!
  6. Now I'm a little worried about Joe. The "dodging the fatal bullet" thing can take a nasty toll.
  7. I have been out of the loop for a week or so. I got to work today and was greeted with this: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/multimedia/os-remembering-chris-hondros-20110421,0,4525593.story (Chris Hondros remembered) Chris Hondros took Joe Raedle's place in Libya. His work, along with Joe's and Carolyn Cole's has always stood out and made me look at the wires, even when I'm working on local copy. Thursday before last, just before I started my time off, one of Hondros' pictures stopped me cold. It was a beautiful (if such a thing is possible), iconic image of a rebel fighter. I switched it to full screen and showed it to the photographer sitting next to me and made a comment about how Joe's had such bad luck with wars. The picture should have been his. (Joe was having a streak of phenomenal work in Iraq that was cut short when he got wounded there.) I said that Hondros and Carolyn have all the luck. They're indestructible, I said.
  8. Happy Birthday whenever it was!!!!!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Sennheiser just tweeted this: http://app.e2ma.net/app2/campaigns/archived/25524/ebcb50cdb65b1b5d52d152eea24929e5/ Most interesting.
  11. I just don't know what to say. Other than that maybe reading the Big Red Link that some of our moderators have in their sigs might be a good idea.
  12. I put on the new pads and cloth screens, and a new headpad, too. The Lambdas are all apiffy new new now. The new pads feel better and definitely seal better. That surprises me a little since the old ones looked fine to me. With two variables changing at the same time, I can't say which is causing what, but tonal balance is a little darker. Mids seems a bit more substantial. Bass a bit tighter, with maybe a tad more authority. I might end up preferring the pads without the screens. Or not. Time will tell. I bought the pads with screens from Yama, Akathsia. The pads are pleather. The cloth inner screen has a thin leather frame and basically just drops in.
  13. Happy Birthday indeed!
  14. Excellent. Very cinematic. For me it's the noise in those places. If I am very bad in this life I will be sent to work there.
  15. Cool! I was thinking about your DAC this very morning. I signed up on your site.
  16. If lawyering ever goes south, there's a job waiting for you editing certain of our reporters' copy. (or mine, for that matter)
  17. Just in case anybody was watching.... We're all pretty happy around here today that my friend and former colleague Getty photographer Joe Raedle, AFP photographer Roberto Schmidt, and AFP reporter Dave Clark were released unharmed today after being captured by Libyan forces on Friday. Considering what a nasty place Libya has turned out to be (50-some attacks on journalists and a couple of fatalities in just a couple of weeks) and the circumstances of of Joe's going missing, which weren't auspicious, we were sweating it big time. We're pretty relieved. Welcome back Joe! http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/florida/fl-raedle-libya-20110322,0,1737314.story
  18. Actually, I read part of it and it seemed like a pretty good review. But that's not really how we do things around here. The ground is littered with the charred corpses of people who showed up and reviewed something. You might find a more fertile field at Head-Fi.
  19. I ultimately got the GT25. So far, I've been happy with it. It appears all you have to do to get a decent-looking picture is set THX mode and adjust the usual parameters (white level, black level, sharpness and color balance) to taste. The out-of-the-box defaults turned any under-exposed (or dark and low contrast on purpose) areas of the image into a storm of noise. That was a little scary. With that now under control, I've been well pleased. Mine's on a stand now, but I'm looking for an articulated wall mount so I can have the panel and the front of the dialog speaker in the same plane. Where to put the dialog speaker was/is more of an issue than I expected.
  20. Ah, of course.
  21. Happy Birthday Al! May you have many days with fewer logistical complications. And a speedy recovery to your Mom!
  22. Nice job! I like the epoxy putty idea. That would save many swear words, compared to the way I have done it, which is all hot-glue. Of course I swear like a longshoreman all the time anyway, so maybe no one would notice the difference. What's the 68K resistor do? My iPod Classic didn't need that part.
  23. Happy Birthday!!!!!!
  24. ..... in a moment of lucidity I recalled that when I looked at review threads prior to buying the uDAC2, there were complaints of the uDAC, and the uDAC2 for that matter, not having enough gain to drive this that or the other probably inappropriate headphone. I just did a search on Head-Fi and now too-much-gain posts outnumber too-little-gain posts about ten to one. There you have it. Damned if you do. damned if you don't.
  25. Makes sense. That's basically what I thought I understood. So, the effect in question would occur when music contains a great number of peaks in the last dB, which would generally be if the music was significantly compressed. Or it's so hot that the peaks in the last dB are mixed with digitally clipped ones that go to the zero line and get whacked. Either way, that recording would sound pretty awful even if it wasn't causing the DAC's output to clip. On the one hand, one could say that this flaw kills music that is already mortally wounded anyway and is thus more or less academic. (I did say that, actually.) Or, on the other hand, for a device that will generally be used to power high efficiency headphones and IEMs, it strikes me that this maybe wasn't a very smart trade-off. And so the designer should be called out for some answers.
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