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Everything posted by CarlSeibert

  1. They have casts in colors now? Cool.
  2. Congrat! You have won a chair battle. There aren't many who can claim that. Now if your body parts would just stop hurting.....
  3. Can't wait to meet him. It's awesome that Ivan is accepting him straight off.
  4. The chair thing sucks. And if they get behind, it becomes a mountain that's too tall to climb. A few years ago I complained about shitty chairs on the national desk. So I was tasked to do a chair census and discovered that we urgently needed nearly two hundred grand worth of chairs in my location alone. By now, it must be way more than that.
  5. Is that hat Open Source?
  6. Darn good advice, Steve. And in particular, psych meds should not be trifled with -even a little bit. A friend's wife jumped off a parking garage when she got her meds out of whack. I don't even think of it as a suicide. More like an accident working with a really powerful tool.
  7. What roadtonowhere said. And just to be clear, we don't discriminate against outsiders with different opinions. We treat basically all outsiders aggressively and often with contempt.
  8. Me too. Thanks!
  9. Happy Birthday Steve!!!
  10. May there be gifts under your tree. Happy Birthday Wayne!!!
  11. Oh! "Fully unbalanced" refers to the AMP! I thought maybe it meant, well, us.
  12. Happy Birthday Jim!!!
  13. OK. I'm obviously a few steps behind here. Why is the a-10 being replaced? I thought it was supposed to work great.
  14. Visited my friend Howard's shop to buy a record brush. Listened to a very impressive all Ayre electronics with Focal speakers system for a while. I'm not familiar with any of the components, but sound that good from a Red Book CD makes me think their disk players and DACs are worth a real serious look. Of course anybody with a shit ton of money could just grab the whole system as a hifi in a box. &IM He didn't have any Decca brushes though. I'll order one from Todd.
  15. Another S4 update: for a few months now, I've been using Cyberon for voice control. It's antique but it does actually work. It's about like the hands free app from Windows mobile 6, but it loads faster. Google's voice control worked great on the voice side, but it only recognized a few of my contacts. That was pretty galling actually. Turns out it's been a known issue for at least a couple years. The voice command app doesn't recognize any contracts that come from Exchange and only recognizes those from Gmail when if feels like it. Who leaves a showstopper bug like that unaddressed for years? Or maybe I'm just the only person in the whole world who uses his mobile phone to make actual phone calls while traveling in his car ......
  16. Best wishes for Quest.
  17. Chicken with pumpkin pie waffles at Bay Bay's
  18. I found a website once that was great for explaining appliances. ( which are designed in a way that's totally opaque to me. ) Google "appliance ninja" or something like that. The people in the forum told me exactly what to look for to confirm the failed parts and how to tear the machine down to get to them (which I found to be the weirdest part) It might have been this place: http://appliantology.org
  19. What. A. Cute. Kitten. I'm smitten. Our cats both have blue eyes, which makes me even more of a pushover for your new little friend.
  20. And I thought JungleDisk was cheap.
  21. I'd avoid DSLRs. Our photographers hate shooting with them. The quality is fantastic, but with even the minimum kit of clap trap to shoot video, they are BIG. And they require huge tripods, as well. The super-shallow (by video standards) depth of field looks great. Very film-like. But it's really hard to control. And yeah, depending on the model, they do tend to overheat on long takes. Now video cameras that are good in low light cost a fortune. So I have no useful advice at all really.
  22. HE-500 pads are about 104mm OD. They have a plastic plate on the back with clips that snap into about an 80mm hole in the earpiece body. Cheap. Available in pleather or velor. If that helps.
  23. Today, there were a bunch of new Snowden stories that said what Dan said. And from main man of crypto, this: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/05/nsa-how-to-remain-secure-surveillance?CMP=twt_gu Interesting that Schneier is working for the Guardian now.....
  24. Coolest car ever.
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