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Everything posted by flecom

  1. tube lasers have existed longer than solid state lasers they are the most powerful types of lasers, make some of the nicest colors too... problem is they use tons of power (some of the larger tubes ive seen im talking 10A @ 408v three phase) in the beginning of the video i posted the guy is lighting a cigar with a lexel 95 argon ion laser, im actually the one holding the camera lol
  2. i figured you of all people would jump to the laser meet with all the fog machines nobody would notice LOL
  3. yes really here are some pics from the last one 2008-03 Lasers - a set on Flickr heres a vid from another meet
  4. for sure, whats going down on Friday?
  5. well, if you die can you please leave me your atom? no seriously, dont die, I heard death causes cancer in California...
  6. argh, its a hard decision, two hobbies i love, headphones and lasers, only one can win out, what a decision... maybe i will join you guys and leave for the other meet later in the day?
  7. doh lame, I have another hobby meet that day that I already confirmed for :(
  8. believe it or not, minus the $200+ price tag on the PCB, which considering the run qty and size, is unsurprising, things don't have to have $20/ea resistors to sound good... I never said I was cheap, or was unwilling to spend money on things I enjoy doing, I just said I try to get the most "bang/buck"...
  9. actually i said "if there was an extra board" i didn't realize it seems only 2 or 3 are being made i guess? but thats all he had to say, not be so condescending... that kind of attitude really bugs, and I usually don't let anything get to me... meh... whatever don't want to derail the thread... enjoy building your stax clone guys...
  10. really? i was pretty offended by his response, but i guess if i cant put a $10k volume knob on it, it must not be worth building by laypersons like me
  11. oh im sorry, i thought i was posting on head-case... my bad... i guess i missed the signup for the elite DIY cool kids club thanks for reminding my why i left
  12. well, i havent built anything in quite a while, and been kind of out of the headphone thing for probably equally as long... but if there is an extra board, i would really love to get my hands on it and see how cheap i could build one... hell i only spent like $4~500 on my dynamight and everybody loved it at the meets lol
  13. mcintosh stuff is worth serious $$$ even the vintage stuff
  14. na just me probably
  15. i should be able to make it, been a while since ive been to a meet
  16. i think thats more an artifcat of the record itself... cd's dont suffer this issue becuase they spin faster the closer to the center of the disk to keep the data rate constant im working on a linear project... picked up an ET tonearm 2 from a friend of mine for really cheap... probably going to mount it on a thorens or something
  17. yep... went for working for Miami-Dade County Public Schools... to working for Reality Kings (google it - definately NSFW... well, my work yes, your work, probably not LOL)... so ive basically worked in the entertainment industry my whole life lol
  18. :palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::palm:
  19. im glad to see the mac portable, color classic, and TWAM there... i still have a color classic and a pair of mac portables
  20. flecom


    from what i have read online most people either run them naked - in a dipole configuration... or in a small cabinet (the datasheet measurements were made with a 6x6xlength of the driver enclosure) there are a few projects online that use the giant RD75 drivers along with some larger drivers in a line-array configuration next to the planar driver... like this parts express project... http://www.parts-express.com/projectshowcase/indexn.cfm?project=Colossi there are some designs (including commercial ones) that use the RD8's in a line array configuration... im going to see what they sound like coupled with my existing speakers... if they sound good im thinking coupling it with an 8 or 10" (non subwoofer) driver in a sealed enclosure with this planar mounted above it, either in its own enclosure or naked in a diplole configuration as some have suggested online also... but im wondering about strange reflections and interactions doing that... if i do end up doing that 2-way config im going to use my macintosh 2105 to run the woofers, and my macintosh 2505 to drive the planars... should be pretty sweet
  21. flecom


    uh huh... i dewed it well i couldent bring myself to buy a pair of rd-75's (only $750/ea! ) so i figured this would be a good way to get my feet wet
  22. ya, hope nobody imports those, thats right in the middle of the TX side of the 800mhz public safety band lol
  23. flecom


    well i picked up a pair of the Bohlender Graebener Neo8-PDR Planar Transducers to play with... figure worse case scenario im out $125 700hz-20khz is pretty impressive... lets see if it sounds as impressive as the reviews make them out to be
  24. flecom


    hehe... it seems like a really good deal considering how expensive the speakers these drivers are found in... i just wish i could listen to them before i consider buying some of the larger more expensive drivers
  25. dont get cocky... i will have to suggest these at work... dont think we have any ceramic dildos...
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