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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. Awesome, welcome to Head-Case! ;D Power to people with opinions!
  2. lol. Awesome, balanced KSC-35's... I sure would like to listen to those.
  3. That would have been the decision I would have made!
  4. I'm quite interested in checking a pair of these out, from everything I've read on Head-fi lately, apparently they're quite good.
  5. I'm as shocked as you are!
  6. They look kinda scary to be honest...
  7. Thanks for the quick initial impressions, can't wait to read some more impressions that you've got of it. I would strongly consider getting one of these mods if they weren't so expensive!
  8. Haha. But what to do if you didn't have any ears?
  9. Powerbook G4 ==> Airport Express ==> RSA The Hornet ==> Zu Mobius ==> AKG K271 Studios iPod 3G 10gb ==> RSA The Hornet ==> Koss KSC-35
  10. The ety's were good at what they did, but the complete lack of bass kinda killed them off me. At the time that I had them, I sort of shrugged it off, because I kept telling myself that bass wasn't my thing or that important to me. After getting some more bassier phones, I noticed that it really did make quite a difference in my enjoyment of music. I've heard the e4c's and in my opinion, I think they are the best IEM's on the market today. I only have the e2c's personally, mainly cause I don't have the funds to purchase my own pair of e4's...
  11. Speaking of beer...I'm enjoying a can glass of Guinness right now. Done with winter quarter finals baby!!!
  12. Northwestern University didn't make it again? Oh wait...of course we didn't. We suck so bad that I don't even know why we even have a team.
  13. BEST FOTM EVER!!. Whenever I see pictures of it, I start to ask questions.... boy that fanboyism is getting tiresome isn't it?
  14. I personally adore my KSC-35's and am currently thinking about selling my K271S's to live with only the Koss for a while. I'm looking into getting a Stax setup, so what a better way to save some money. I think they sound fantastic coupled with the Hornet, but I'm also extremely interested in those ATH-RE3's.
  15. I really need to get on watching this show, I haven't watched any of the seasons and all I hear about it is great stuff... stupid college work.
  16. Now that is a PB&J sandwich!
  17. Hehe, there's a group on facebook at my university that says "Fuck college, let's rob a bank." Reminded me of that. I'm sure there's someone in the Chicago area with an HP-1 that I could maybe meet up with sometime. Problem is that I'm so busy with school that I just don't have time for much life outside of the campus, except for the one to two visits to downtown Chicago with my friends once a quarter. I should really think about that option though...
  18. ojnihs


    How do they sound in comparison to the AKG K271S with Zu Mobius cable? I really like the AKG house sound (and the Sennheiser sound at that), so I'm wondering if the K701's will fit the bill or not. I had to end up selling my HD650's a while back due to college funds, but I ended up keeping the K271S's. I may go for a Stax setup too.....
  19. The streets of Las Vegas? Serious? I always thought that the most entertaining of the F1 races was when it was when they raced through the streets of Monaco. If it's through the streets of Vegas, then man, I can't wait for that.
  20. Ben & Jerry's Phish Food... damn those chocolate fishies are so good.
  21. Hey Billy, what's your favorite hotdog place? I recently went to this damn good polish hot dog place by UIC, can't recall the name, but damn, it was grease heaven. My god it was good. *EDIT* The name of the place is Maxwell's.
  22. Oh okay I see. I was actually going to ask if the ambient noise around was the main issue as to why everyone thought that they weren't that great. Would be nice to hear in a quieter place, hopefully a meet I attend sometime in the future is like that.
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