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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. ojnihs

    new tool album

    Why is that wrong? I don't see a problem with making conversation.
  2. Now where is that quote from?
  3. Fuckin' high rollers...
  4. I never said I don't ever fart, I just don't fart that much. My body doesn't really produce gas that way, I burp more than I fart. Oh and there are those days where the shit smells like dead animals...fucking disgusting.
  5. Surprisingly...I don't really fart...
  6. I personally liked the black and white, which I think makes for much better photography than color does. She's hot too, I'm going to have to admit it.
  7. ROFL!! THIRSTY THURSDAY!!! Okay, now that is funny shit. Haha. And actually Jay, we both joined back in December of 2003, so we're head-fi joining buddies!!!
  8. ojnihs


    Yep, that was definitely work safe, was expecting more...
  9. Your mom put only snacks in your lunch box?? What the hell? My mom used to make me all this nutritious food when she used to make my lunches. That is sooo weird. I've never known someone who's mom deliberately only puts sweet snacks in her kid's lunch box... I mean it was for a month, but damn.
  10. I've actually had more problems on Head-fi in recent months than I had the past almost 2.5 years I've been there. There's a ton of new people on the forums that are just absolutely irritating, and seeing that Head-fi has gotten more and more popular these days, it's just getting to the point where you can't go post in a thread without expecting some new retard coming in and blasting your opinion. From what I recall, it wasn't like that a when I started. I could post my opinion, people would go "why?" and then after I explained it, go "oh i see your point." I can't take this "no you're opinion is wrong" bullshit anymore.
  11. Couldn't agree more with you. After spending time here and being able to say, "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH," I just can't go back to Head-fi...
  12. ojnihs

    new tool album

    I've liked Tool ever since I heard Aenima. Good stuff. Hey mjg, I saw Bob Saget when he came to Northwestern last month. Man is that guy fucking dirty, the shit that comes out of his mouth was hilarious.
  13. You seriously vomit? I could sit and eat oatmeal creme pies all day, those things are freaking good. Luckily for me, my metabolism is off the charts so I don't gain weight. Haha
  14. oh snap, those are bling bling
  15. Yep, cannons for sure...
  16. Looks awesome. I'm a huge speaker fanboy, although I haven't the cash to buy any great ones right now. I like the computer setup with the sideways tower, hehe.
  17. ojnihs

    new tool album

    Same here, I haven't listened to it at all through the phones. Only been listening to it through speakers since it's been more convenient lately.
  18. I don't know if it's the magnification, but those things look like cannons!
  19. Nope, I'm doing a co-op program right now actually. I work at Smith Barney Monday through Thursday and have a class on Friday. Pretty much the worst thing I've ever done because work sucks and it doesn't pay at all. The internship for the summer took me through that whole send out your resume and get interviewed 50 billion times deal...
  20. Yes...haha. No I'm interning for a accounting/consulting firm and I agree, the pay is absolutely ridiculous. They offer all their interns full-time offers as well when the internship is over, so we'll see how it goes. Considering I'm pre-med...I don't know why I'm doing this internship, probably cause I'm majoring in econ as well.
  21. You again! Haha. I would like, I really would, but with the triple major and all, plus clubs and whatnot, I just don't have extra time for a job. I am working as a part-time analyst at Goldman though, but they pay you jack shit. My internship this summer pays $15,000 though, so hello new gear.
  22. God damn it. I want one so bad. Screw this college budget!
  23. Very true, that's why I'd like to meet Mr. Gilmore in person, just to shake his hand. I mean we're at the same university and all.
  24. It's simply amazing how you can just make a schematic of a balanced amplifier just like that.
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