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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. nnnnnnnniiiiiiiicccccceeeeeee......
  2. ojnihs

    RIP. Syd Barret

    I heard on the radio this morning while I was coming back from the hospital. Sad news for Floyd fans.
  3. ojnihs

    200 MEMBERS!!!!

    .......... ........ yikes
  4. ojnihs

    200 MEMBERS!!!!

    Sweeeeeeeet....although I'm hoping that it doesn't get anywhere near Head-fi numbers...I don't think I could stand a flood of inane posts or posts like "What's the Best Headphone under $200!!!!!!!!!!!!!" here.
  5. With the way those things are priced...I'm never getting a fucking speaker set. Fuck me.
  6. God Fucking Damn It! Now there's another headphone I need to try. FUCK I need to make it out to a meet someday.
  7. Are the L3000's really that good?
  8. Looks nice. I just can't see myself getting into vinyl anytime soon, especially considering I'm fucking broke as is.
  9. I'm guessing he won't mind if I go ahead and take one...
  10. Jesus...how high is your car? Was the civic lowered or something? Do you drive a tank?
  11. Shit! I love the new Camry's. Fuck dude, I'm really sorry to hear that.
  12. Shit dude, sorry to hear about that. I was walking in Evanston with a bunch of my friends, coming back from grabbing some liquor from the liquor store, when we see this douchebag parallel parking his car. Rams into the car behind him and then into the car in front of him. He does nothing for a second, gets out of the car, goes into the liquor store, comes out, and leaves. My friends and I go over to the cars and there are these huge fucking dents in them. For the love of god, seriously.
  13. Just tried logging in and seems to work fine on my end.
  14. Boy you hit that right on the dot aerius.
  15. Shit I spoke too soon, fucker hit another one.
  16. Boy A-Rod sure sunk your dreams with that grand slam didn't he? ;D
  17. Oh, hahahaha.
  18. what is?
  19. My Twins are doing pretty damn good lately I must say so myself
  20. ojnihs

    Avatar Question

    ding ding ding! We have a winner everybody!
  21. ojnihs


  22. HAHA. For some reason, I found your reaction to be the funniest thing in the world.
  23. Fuck me, those are some ugly ass dogs. Why even hold onto them? EDIT: And don't give me any of that animal rights bullshit.
  24. Hear hear on that one.
  25. Fuck...I better go look for that shit again.
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