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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. It's definitely sad news, I feel really bad for his wife and children...
  2. Lucky fucking bastard, I missed out on tickets to Tool here in Chicago... Last concert I saw was... Dream Theater - Minneapolis - Friday March 17th Kanye West - Northwestern University Future Concerts: Eric Clapton - September 20th
  3. i hate you...
  4. boobies? Where?!?
  5. Oooooh, that'd be nice
  6. Haha, sorry about your house and car, I totally know what you mean. It's like I spend so much of my time listening to music, but since I'm in college, things like clothes and food are way more important, not to mention books upon books for medical school, god those MCAT books cost me an arm and a leg. Thanks Nate, I'll hit you up sometime soon about the Millett! :dance:
  7. Oh is that right? I'm a huge soundstage person so it'd definitely be something that I take into consideration when buying something. I really wish I could make it out to a meet to listen to some amps, but without the necessary funds to do so (or the mode of transportation) I can't, meaning I usually have to buy blind and see if I like it. I'm really eyeing a Millett Hybrid these days, but what do I know when it comes to how they sound besides what I read on here or at Head-fi. It seems like it would be a very good tube solution because the PPX3 is WAY out of my budget range. Meh...I guess my hornet will have to do for now. Your job sounds really fun, I used to want to be a structural engineer actually, but somewhere along the lines I took the MCAT and applied to Med Schools, haha.
  8. Thanks for that Nate. I actually don't have a millett hybrid and was thinking about getting one in the near future, DIY of course. Sounds like it would be an excellent tube amp solution, even though I've been eyeing a PPX3 Slam for quite a while, but I don't have the kind of money for that because I'm a college student with no part time job. I'm very interested in hearing the soundstages that tube amps offer, the whole surrounding feeling that they give you, and it seems that I would like a nice warm sound as well (I think...because I haven't heard anything besides a GLite and Hornet). From what I see, it seems you make some sweet Millett's, would that be something you might be interested in? (Yeah yeah I got it from Entourage)
  9. Haha nice post.
  10. How's the replication of soundstage with that little bugger? Fuck...I just may have to get me one of these if it stands up to a Millett Hybrid. Does it?
  11. What the fuck is going on in this thread?
  12. Awesome! Have fun with your new toy. Would be great to hear your impressions of the new toy
  13. Drink tequila?
  14. Interesting...they sure could make a ton of money off of those with tons and tons of cables.
  15. How much do they retail for respectively? I haven't heard either one of them, so I guess the only way I would go about choosing would be to look at price vs performance.
  16. A vibrating rubber duck, making even bath time fun! :dance:
  17. I could have sworn there are dildoes (dildos?) that vibrate as well. What the fuck...I'm so confused...fuck it.
  18. i always thought they were the same thing.... sure looks like a dildo...
  19. That is some powerful stuff... wow... I'm speechless
  20. A Snake Ate Me! A FUCKING SNAKE ATE ME!!!! Should be an interesting movie, I don't know if I'll check it out for a bit though, got some shit to do.
  21. I couldn't agree with you more. I was chatting with a friend of mine last night before hitting the hay and he couldn't believe that they were still spending tax money looking for this girl. The fact that they found him in Thailand makes it even more odd to me personally.
  22. Holy Hannah...that's an interesting concept...never in my life did I think I'd see something like that...
  23. I saw that...very funny.
  24. I went to the DMZ on a recent trip to the motherland and sure didn't see anything like that... Definitely looks sort of like the communist march though...
  25. Good to hear! 1 invite very well used!
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