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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. god damn that sounds good
  2. The Office - Stress Relief
  3. Marlboro Smooth
  4. Happy Birthday David!
  5. nice
  6. The Office - Dinner Party
  7. i've been happy with my 540p but will probably be looking for a new phono. curious to hear what you think.
  8. Hell Yes Penguins!
  9. thanks for this, i'm going to have to pre-order her new one
  10. have you tried google reader?
  11. Podcast - #264
  12. fine, resetting. either way, my ipod touch tends to do the same thing every once in a while, so I just reset it and it works fine.
  13. yeah, rebooting works pretty much all the time
  14. Go Penguins
  15. you tried rebooting the iphone?
  16. my favorite gin right there
  17. safari 4 ftw!
  18. nice cat, big fan of grey cats
  19. damn, i was rooting for MSU, but UNC put on a dominating performance
  20. ...
  21. and i'm out, pitt was my champion this year, struck out on 3 of the final four spots
  22. didn't mean it as an upset, it was more of a, fuck i had memphis and wake going to the final four and now i'm fucked
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