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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. Guess you need to approve my registration...that's a weird way of doing the registration...
  2. James Blunt - October 23rd Aragon Theater - Chicago, IL Girlfriend went to Clapton with me, I go to James Blunt with her
  3. So since I'm in college, on a extremely limited fund of money, I tend to download music when I'm searching for new things to listen to. I saw that there was Pedro's BTMusic Tracker that has everything in flac, which is great, but you need to get invited to join. Is anyone on this forum who has an account there, and if so, would you be willing to send me a invitation? Thanks, Dave
  4. Nice!
  5. haha nice. my girlfriend would like that. haha
  6. Not quite sure if this is going to be a good thing or a bad thing...or if it's even going to change things...I didn't really bother reading it cause I got way too much work to do
  7. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  8. Cool thanks, I'll check it out.
  9. That was great! Is there anymore?
  10. Weren't there only like 60 of these made? How many are left?
  11. That was great!
  12. All of the Grado phones I've ever tried have been much too fatiguing for me to listen to for more than a hour or so at a time. I've yet to try the PS-1, HP series, HF-1, or any woodied version, but I've ever since decided that Grado phones are just not for me.
  13. Just like Fox to get rid of great shows, they fucking got rid of Arrested Development and that pissed me off.
  14. x2
  15. Was this show and that movie really that good? I should check it out.
  16. eeeeeeeeeeewwwwww...
  17. haha, what the fuck
  18. ojnihs

    new tool album

    agreed, definitely in the Lateralus camp.
  19. Well apparently he got the allergic reaction because he took some supplements to help him deal with the pain medication as well. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. Like him or not, he sure is dominant on the playing field.
  20. I've been contemplating the best way to go out with a bang there...it makes me sick to my stomach seeing how Head-fi is run. Awful, just awful.
  21. ojnihs

    Yet another cat!

    I should take some pictures of my cats too...
  22. Wait I'm confused...how was that made?
  23. Koss KSC-35 has to be my favorite budget buy ever and I find that I use it way more than my K271S.
  24. What about a millett hybrid?
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