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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. I'd say try a DAC-AH, finally had a chance to hear one and boy was I impressed. Then again, you are using a tube amp, so I don't know how you'd feel about combining a tube amp with a DAC that makes things warm and fuzzy as well. But the bang-for-the-buck of this thing is just sick.
  2. Niiiiiiiccccce! I love how the Rega players look. Hope you enjoy the new source!
  3. I'm interested too, sure looks like an interesting amp.
  4. okay seriously... i still have no idea WTF TooleAudio is...
  5. Damn... under $1000 yet still so far out of reach...
  6. Few for me: Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain Tool - 10,000 Days Communic - Waves Of Visual Decay Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage Doom:VS - Aeternum Vale
  7. I'm sure they moved it because they bumped it first, which probably was the cause for the dent. Did you call?
  8. tooooooooooo rich for my blood
  9. PS3 for sure. I played one yesterday at a Sony Style store and it was drop dead amazing. I've played an XBOX 360 as well and I wasn't all that impressed. Plus I hate Microsoft with a passion.
  10. I really wish someone could lend me a AE-1 or something to compare my Hornet to, because I have literally no other experiences with amps (nor recollection of any) to really know what good amps should sound like. When I listen to my hornet, I basically go, "so this is what a amp sounds like...huh"
  11. haha
  12. dddddaaaaammmmnnnn
  13. Well I'm surprised that no one has torn it down yet, considering the North Shore is full of snobby ass rich people. BTW: GO NORTHWESTERN. I'm ready to see a repeat of two years ago against Ohio State. Boy was that a game.
  14. ojnihs


  15. ojnihs


    I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor...I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor...I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor, I'm a tumor...Oh Oh Oh I'm a tumor
  16. very cute, should be a nice addition to the family
  17. cool, thanks for starting the group
  18. Nice attempt at getting attention, fucking retard.
  19. Thanks again Adrian.
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