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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. I agree with TheSloth, I think the iPod is a fine piece of hardware and a pretty damn good source for the money. I went completely portable recently, mostly because I couldn't find any particular reason to keep a home system that I just wasn't using. I only use the iPod headphone jack to my etymotic er4p's, and sure it's not the greatest thing in the world, but it works and works pretty damn well enough for me to still enjoy my music.
  2. wow sure is hopping in there now
  3. They may be bass-heavy but I thought the overall sound signature made them quite enjoyable.
  4. One word sums up my experience: FATIGUING!!!!
  5. ojnihs


    Interesting...how much is this going to cost? An arm and a leg?
  6. yah, but I think I may not be positioning it right since the cord noise is greatly reduced but the weight still is an issue (with the triflanges).
  7. I feel that the problem with the triflange, especially with the new heavier and thicker cable that etymotic uses, is that it doesn't support the weight of the headphone as well as the foam tips do. So not only is there the constant feeling of "poking" going on in your ear canal, there is also this downward force that is really irritating (which now contributes to another poking sensation in the roof of your ear canal). The foamies seem to solve this problem by supporting the added weight of the cable.
  8. Alright, foam tips >>>>>>>>>>>>>> triflange. I fucking hate the triflange now. Always felt like it was poking my brain with those pieces of shit.
  9. It blows chunks.
  10. Now only if I had the money...
  11. I feel your pain Nate, when I was living back home before college, it took me a good 3 hours to mow the lawn, and I didn't have ety's back then...
  12. Well then...they fucking rule. That's all I got to say about that. Damn their good.
  13. Well I tried the foamies, and I don't think the size that comes with the phones are small enough for my ear canals, so I went back to the tri-flange, which work surprisingly well. What's shocking is that the volume seems so much lower than I expected, I have to turn up my iPod to like 1/4 of the way to get to a reasonable listening volume. Is that weird?
  14. Thanks Reks. Does it matter if the shiny side or the dull side is facing in or out?
  15. So I just got my Etymotic ER-4P's and they're sweet, but I want to use the foam tips and I can't figure out how to put them on. Do I just shove the tube into the clear tubing or do i take the clear tubing out? WTF!!
  16. Portable my ass.
  17. Beer stage for sure.
  18. Yeah I use an airport express and a network drive would be sweet to have. Plus I love the LaCie products.
  19. Fuck if I had the funds right now I'd probably jump right on top of that one. Only problem now is that the applescript takes forever, guess I better do it overnight.
  20. Yeah I thought about going the external hard drive route but money is in a bit of a pinch right now, so I guess I'll wait on that till my birthday rolls around. I think in the meantime I'll just use the applescript and have my computer rip all of my music into 192 and transfer it into my iPod. Thanks guys.
  21. So here's my problem. I have a Powerbook G4 with 80 gigs of hard drive space on it. I have 672 songs in my iTunes library after clearing it out and it comes to a whopping 27 gigs because everything is ripped in ALAC. I recently sold my home gear because I just don't use it enough to warrant having it anymore and I need the money since I'm in college. I've been using my portable setup and my cheap ass computer speakers as of late. So basically it's onboard headphone jack for the speakers and my 3G 10 gig iPod. This leaves me with little space on my hard drive on both the computer and iPod, which is a problem cause I can't put anymore music on either, and I always want more. Also my iPod has pauses during songs because of the ALAC. I'm thinking of just ripping all of my ALAC files to 224 kbps AAC, since it saves a shit ton more space and also sounds pretty good. I'm just concerned that once I get my ety er4p's that 224 AAC just isn't going to cut it. Got any other suggestions? Thanks, Dave
  22. They "slay," right Reks?
  23. Yeah doesn't look like a very good idea to me. On another note, I just ordered some ER4P's for myself the other day, so I'm excited.
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