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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. feliz cumpleanos!
  2. ojnihs


    I saw a few episodes of it. Someone in one of the groups on last.fm that I'm in posted a website that has all the episodes on it up until the current one. I'll find it for you when I have some time.
  3. Hey...we need a group picture...
  4. SWEEET!!!
  5. Fuck yes, can't wait for this one.
  6. PWNED!
  7. I have indeed noticed that you, Ian, and I are definitely in agreement with the majority of music that we listen to. I've gotten tons of music based on what you two have been listening to and it's always hit the musical spot for me. I just can't say that I'd have all this good music to listen to without this thread. Stolen Babies is fabulous, I just got it, and DSO is a must listen. I was seriously addicted to that album for a good month after I finally got it.
  8. Me and Ian are SUPER COMPATIBLE!! WHOOP!
  9. Yeah definitely. I've been visiting head-case way less than I used to now that school's taking its tole on my time and everytime I check there aren't any new unread messages. When i scroll to the bottom to see recent posts though, there are 5 new ones all the time.
  10. Unread posts since last visit isn't working for me again...
  11. that was interesting for maybe the first minute after the lions were released, and then pretty much a waste of time
  12. Tracks purchased from iTunes music store found like poo
  13. doesn't sound too bad of a worst possible scenario to me
  14. ojnihs

    AKG K271S

    I enjoyed the K271S as well, although I just recently sold them in order to fund my ety's.
  15. I didn't really think that they did so well in the isolation department when I had my pair.
  16. Agreed. I don't really see the point in this, especially considering you're probably going to end up getting a new iPod some time in the future. If you're made out of money, go for it, but I think the real advantage of having an iPod is that all you need is it and a pair of headphones. Why add to the bulk?
  17. In my personal experience, the Grado SR-60 does not need an amp. Actually, I don't think you really need an amp with an iPod at all and I've been quite happy with the iPod headphone out with my etymotic er4p's ever since I decided to completely downgrade to a portable setup. If I were you, I'd completely skip out on thinking about getting a portable amp. EDIT: Well you beat me to the post, so I guess I'll try to answer you question. I guess it depends on what portable amp you're looking for, but think about diminishing returns. In my experience (and to my ears), there doesn't seem to be too much difference between headphone amps as you spend more and more on them, and I feel much of what people hear is basically placebo. Are you willing to dish out $350 bucks for a portable amp that really doesn't make that much of a difference? I guess that's up to you to decide, but I'd skip out on a portable amp period. Like I said, I use the headphone out of my iPod and it sound just fine to me. I think spending a shit ton of money on a portable amp and dock lineout for the iPod is pretty silly.
  18. Yeah Google sure would be a nice place to work. Too bad I didn't go into computer science while here at NU.
  19. you guys are never going to come to a decision...
  20. fuck i wish i could make this
  21. Post should be have been made at the "other"-fi
  22. *drumroll*
  23. Well said Aerius.
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