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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. or you could just use a potato gun and shoot potatoes at them
  2. Happy Birthday Mike!
  3. Have a good one! Happy Birthday!
  4. what the hell?
  5. class-act quarterback. rip steve
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Marlboro 54
  8. salami sandwich
  9. Hmm that's weird. My Pioneer unit processes audio through the HDMI inputs. Can't you use toslink or coax instead for audio, with HDMI just for video, and still get surround?
  10. Yeah, HDMI passes both audio and video, so something's missing
  11. fuck me i hate bugs
  12. Happy Birthday!
  13. just finished up my pack of marlboro smooths, will probably get those again
  14. True, but aren't power supplies more efficient when drawing close to their rated wattage? Haven't had any experience with SLI personally, as I haven't built a computer since switching back to Apple like 10 years ago, just thought 850 sounded massive.
  15. 850W power supply? you really need that much power?
  16. good to hear. i'm a big fan of plasma tvs, too bad Pioneer dropped out, but Panasonic makes some damn good ones as well.
  17. nice, how you like it?
  18. Chicken Nachos - about an hour ago
  19. Unbelievable....RIP
  20. Hah that's good
  21. was going to say the same, that's a bit too hot
  22. while i'd vouch for these as well, they don't isolate worth a damn, so instead of hearing some music and some wind, in my experience, it'd be all wind.
  23. maybe that's why i'm always getting kicked out...
  24. burger + blue cheese on charcoal grill is always win for me
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