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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. i'll be doing research during the day, so night time is best for me too
  2. wait...what club? where was my invitation? more
  3. the vocals on one side and instruments on the other bugs the shit out of me
  4. if I had to get kicked in the head by a pony, i'd want that one to kick me
  5. i don't really listen to either band, but if i had to pick, it'd be the beatles
  6. most definitely. school is out today, so i should have lots of time
  7. well that's why you rule at life my friend
  8. eh...it's not that hard to get if you know what the fuck is going on
  9. so, not sure about you guys, but i hopped on last night to represent hcog, and being that i haven't played in a while, i got my ass handed to me repeatedly. going to have to do some practicing.
  10. i'm going to have to agree that jb rules at life
  11. good luck reks
  12. bingo on the white out
  13. god that was an insane final 45 seconds. have to give it up to the red wings.
  14. well...looks like the penguins are going to lose this one, the red wings are playing way more aggressive and far better as a team
  15. eh...not too sure about that one
  16. ojnihs

    slow forum

    i'm sure. your tire was just letting you know for sure that it had had enough
  17. happy birthday!
  18. ojnihs

    slow forum

    good god, did your tire explode?
  19. x2
  20. i like the px100s a lot and the sr-60s sound quite good out of the iPod as well
  21. agreed, went downhill after pinkerton, which i think is the best weezer album
  22. ojnihs


    very interesting concept, i could not figure out what the hell i was supposed to do for a while
  23. you do understand that a lot of the people here don't go there, right?
  24. you're basically a very good example of the type of person who doesn't get accepted around here. did you happen to read around before you made that post?
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