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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. well i was mistaken, i can't find some of the threads that really express how we feel about rsa. but check out: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphone-amplification/2079-rsa-predator.html http://www.head-case.org/forums/portable-audio/1054-whats-beef-rsa-alo.html you're already not looking hard enough
  2. nah. questions are questions. i like to think that the guys here know their shit when it comes to audio. but if you're going to ask us a question, and then start shit because it wasn't the answer you were looking for, then we've got a problem. but if you're willing to have fun, play around, get made fun of, and can take shit well, then you're more than welcome to join us in the fun. most of the anti-rsa threads are in a part of the forum you can't access yet. but it's good to know, just as a matter of fact, that this place is really, really, fucking anti-rsa.
  3. no, it's not the way we treat all new comers. it's only the people who come in and start posting shit without taking time to find out what this place is all about that we dog. if he had taken the time to find out that we don't like RSA amps here or that we don't like asshats, then he'd have been accepted. it's really not that difficult. basically, get your head out of your ass and don't think that just because you have a high post count at the other place that we're going like you. oh, and not a good start with that second question.
  4. that is awesome
  5. ojnihs


    damn it...i need to get this
  6. looks really nice, how much did that run you?
  7. kitties!! they're cute haj.
  8. not sure i quite agree with you on that one.
  9. i think gordon wins asshat of the millennia. i honestly think he's the dumbest out of all the ones we've had here. oh yeah, and your gear sucks. fuck off.
  10. not sure what the hell you're basing that one on, but i'm pretty fucking sure that jb calls out asshats, not the other way around.
  11. ojnihs


    have to say that i'm bummed that it will be the last in the series
  12. ojnihs

    slow forum

    sure is lonely in the chat room...
  13. ojnihs


    fuck me, i completely forgot about this game. must get it. i foresee someone quoting this post and replying to it with an EPIC FAIL picture
  14. god i love it, already has the title to go with it! mods here are the best! got to give it to the ass-hats though, they sure they make this place entertaining
  15. ojnihs

    slow forum

  16. poo wrong thread
  17. ojnihs

    slow forum

  18. man i'm shocked
  19. haha
  20. snap (10 character minimum)
  21. how bouts you fork some of those moderation privileges to me so i can check out those slick feature as well?
  22. sweet, thanks tkam
  23. ...yawn... ZZZZZ............. <put it up against something better!>
  24. gyro, greek potatoes, greek salad hoorah for pharmaceutical reps and free food
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