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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. precisely the problem
  2. you just planning to use it as a blu-ray burner?
  3. heh, no argument, i just don't listen to korean music, although i'm willing to take suggestions so i can be in touch with the motherland's best offerings.
  4. Drunken Tiger? No no no. It's garbage.
  5. haha owned
  6. damn, i need to try mine out of a proper amp, maybe i'll look into a pico dac/amp
  7. win
  8. or you could get the JH13s
  9. i've had a chocolate bar with bacon in it. i thought it was great.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. damn, only 4 hours? damn, i was hoping for at least the same length as modern warfare. thanks for the great contribution
  12. That short huh? I got the game, but I haven't had a chance to play it at all yet. How many hours would you say that you sunk into it?
  13. he's breaking!
  14. you're lying to yourself
  15. In terms of disappearing, I definitely forget that I'm listening to an earphone when I have them in, I meant more in a literal term that I can feel them in my ears the entire time I have them in. Some people have stated that their fit is so good that it's like wearing nothing, but that hasn't been the case for me. I'll wait to see if Brittany emails me back in the next week. I'm not so sure about changing the housing shape, as they seem to fit in my ears just fine, but what do I know about making customs really. If there's someway to alleviate this situation, then I'll definitely send them back to JH for a refit, although I have to say that I'm really dreading having to live without them for a week. They sound way too amazing and I don't think I've yet fully wrapped my head around how great these little buggers are.
  16. Happy Birthday! Get a JH13 to celebrate!
  17. I haven't heard back from JH Audio yet, which is a bit troubling, but I'm sure they're just swamped. As you stated, the cost of entry and planned length of ownership are definitely a reason why I'm still considering sending these things in for a refit. I will probably call them next week after I've spent a bit more time with them over the weekend. My ears do change shape ever so slightly when I smile, as the top of my ear does move up a bit. What I noticed is happening is that when I smile, the earphones are being shifted up, putting more pressure towards the antihelix. This causes the earphones to sort of accommodate that movement by shifting outwards and thus popping out of my ears. My left side actually "pops" out when I smile, probably meaning I have a pretty good seal forming, but my right side slides out more easily. The earphones themselves feel like they fit pretty snug in my ears, which led me to think that the earcanal section needs to be a bit thicker, but I'm not quite sure. They are very comfortable, but I don't have that "disappearing" affect when wearing them. I can obviously tell that they are there, so I'm not sure if thicker canals would make it more obvious and possible painful.
  18. they fit fine really. they pop out if i smile really broadly, but if i open my mouth or whatever, they stay put. it's probably the size of the part that goes in my ear canals that's a bit off, but like i said, my face is normally very neutral when listening to music, so there's really no problem. the only problem i've had so far was listening to Car Talk with these in and laughing my ass off.
  19. i decided to just keep them, as they fit great if i'm just sitting there listening to them. hope you get your refits back promptly and hopefully your audiologist got the impression right this time.
  20. toslink optical out of my macbook
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Okay, now it's my bloody left ear that pops out when I smile. As long as I don't smile, it seems like the seal is good. I've emailed JH, we'll see what they say. The noise isolation isn't as good as my etys, but the sound is out of this world. The bass is absolutely fantastic.
  23. Well after using them for a while, I noticed that I lose seal when I smile. I'm assuming I need to get the canal section on these thickened a bit right?
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