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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. dear. god. oh and i voted for ice cream
  2. ojnihs


  3. ojnihs

    Diablo 3

    o. m. g.
  4. happy birthday earl!!
  5. x 100,000,000,000,000,000
  6. mine came with an xlr plug...
  7. thing must get hotter than hell
  8. I like Sigur Ros and I have to say that I'm quite the fan of political hip-hop.
  9. i'd stay at work and try to keep your mind off of it. it's going to be harder for you to sit at home.
  10. damn man, sorry to hear.
  11. ojnihs

    New AKG K702

  12. nice
  13. ojnihs

    New AKG K702

    yes, yes he did
  14. ojnihs

    slow forum

    i'm a t-wolves fan. only reason i rooted for the celtics this year was because KG deserved a ring so bad after all his dedication and loyalty to a team with no future. he'll forever be a t-wolf in our eyes.
  15. ojnihs

    slow forum

    you mean Kevin McFail right? god, worst GM ever
  16. my scooter gets a little over 100 mpg. it's awesome.
  17. i personally think the honda fcx clarity is more promising
  18. happy birthday! hope it's a good one.
  19. they played every song from the Raising Sand album. She did a few songs from her back catalog, but I didn't know any of the songs, so I can't tell you which. As for zep stuff, they did acoustic versions of Stairway to Heaven and Rock and Roll. awesome. enjoy the show, it was great.
  20. just got back from seeing Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Amazing.
  21. ojnihs

    New AKG K702

    don't know about you guys, but the cable looks exactly like the cable that comes with the K271S. same connection and everything. IMHO, the one-sided cable on the K271S bugged the hell out of me.
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