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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. Just got this on vinyl:
  2. the people who work at all of the ATT stores I've been to have been idiots. not surprised at all by your experience. oh, and I played around with my buddies iPhone 3G yesterday and I thought the speed upgrade was well worth the upgrade from the previous gen. I'm still using the original, but will probably be upgrading.
  3. we need pictures for those of you who got the new one. the line at the local mall was fucking ridiculous. i'm waiting.
  4. sorry, had to take a shower first because it was so fucking hot. great show. her live show was completely different from what i expected. every aspect of the show was extremely artistic. she had this projector, you know the ones your high school teachers used to use, that was projected on the screen behind her, and these two girls would use paint, puppets, and lights to basically act out several of the songs. they also used a black and white camera to show the hammers of the pianos striking the strings to some of the songs and also the bass drum pedal rhythmically hitting the drum. basically drew you into the music by showing you aspects of it that you wouldn't normally expect from a concert. feist sounds the same live as she does on her albums, which was a treat. would have been better if people knew more of her songs than just the singles, but oh well, it was a really good show.
  5. just got back from seeing Feist
  6. I got the Shure cart that 909 posted. It's nice. LFF recommended it to me. Very natural and neutral. do so. immediately.
  7. damn i saw one of the bodies exhibits in chicago once and i'm shocked to read that NYT article. ridiculous.
  8. damn sorry to hear thrice
  9. i don't use paypal. screwed out of $500 once and that was all it took for me to say never again.
  10. man, korea these days...so different
  11. are you really 16? i mean honestly. because when i was 16, i had more important shit to think about than what kind of tv to buy.
  12. laundry...
  13. time to go buy some more records. me like ian's music. thanks ian!
  14. Happy Birthday Guys
  15. ojnihs

    slow forum

    hahaha nice
  16. ojnihs


    wow amazing shots.
  17. damn good game. goal by torres was money
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