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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. boy would i love some quad 12ls.
  2. puke! puke! puke! puke!
  4. new! new! new! new! new! new! new! new! new!
  5. woooo happy birthday todd!!!
  6. get the free touch, won't hurt having another one around
  7. boo! well i love it for me vinyl rig. plus iTunes with the Remote software for iPhone kills.
  8. keep your 0404 usb and get some Adam A7s
  9. odd, i haven't had to hard reset my phone since i downloaded 2.0
  10. hydrocity = pwned
  11. man that was good
  12. i use ALAC and iTunes. The remote software that's available with iPhone 2.0 software is amazing and makes browsing my library extremely easy. I have a 30 foot toslink cable that i use from my blackbook to the e-mu 0404 usb then to my adam a7s.
  13. i use ALAC and iTunes. The remote software that's available with iPhone 2.0 software is amazing and makes browsing my library extremely easy. I have a 30 foot toslink cable that i use from my blackbook to the e-mu 0404 usb then to my adam a7s.
  14. holy fuck i am buying this right now. love that movie.
  15. Nice Bike! Hope everything's okay. I should call my family out there. I was out there once when an Earthquake hit and man, it sure was something.
  16. yeah, they didn't let me take anything in while i was taking the mcat. couldn't even bring in my water bottle.
  17. jin, you should try to "sirsumvent" the rules, and bring your own mechanical pencils
  18. how important is the essay on the gre? the essays on the mcat really don't matter, since most of the med schools don't give a shit how well you did on the essay portion.
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