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High Rollers
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Everything posted by ojnihs

  1. happy birthday!
  2. hear hear!
  3. ojnihs

    The Office Season 5

    loved the episode, good start to the new season. iceman, nice to see another wildcat on these forums
  4. WOO Happy Birthday Doc!
  5. ojnihs

    slow forum

    shit i can't stop watching that ninja cat video.
  6. ojnihs

    slow forum

  7. GOB Bluth from Arrested Development
  8. running 4 ohm speakers with a receiver that is only rated for 6 ohms doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.
  9. dt880s make me shiver. god those highs are awful
  10. i guess there's that
  11. woah PRS? what's making you change your mind?
  12. hey deepak...let's put it this way: why the fuck did i sign up for this?
  13. ojnihs

    slow forum

    holy shit, hahaha
  14. good fucking god that 100 m fly was the shit
  15. ncaa owns nfl and yes, china is definitely lying about the age of those girls
  16. MSG anyone?
  17. you do realize you can multi-quote in a single post, right?
  18. i swam in high school, and speed is more technique than anything else. stroke rhythm is key and reaching towards the wall is favored over taking that one last stroke, which was the difference in last night's race.
  19. woooo happy birthday!
  20. BOO!! Go USA!
  21. fuck me that relay was exhilarating
  22. nice! congratz
  23. $115? fuck that
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